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Can the military issue a no-contact order?

Can the military issue a no-contact order?

If ensuring safety is not the purpose of the order, a commander may issue a no-contact order, a lawful order prohibiting contact or communication with specified persons under circumstances that do not justify the issuance of an MPO.

How long does a no-contact order last in the Army?

MPOs are generally short-term and can last as little as ten days, but can be longer, if needed.

What is considered contact in a no-contact order?

No-contact orders mean you cannot have any contact with the alleged victim. Contact includes any communication, even through social media, email, text, letter, or through a third party.

What are the different types of no-contact orders?

There are two kinds of no-contact orders that can be filed, a civil no-contact order and a domestic violence no-contact order. A civil no-contact order is agreed upon when the two individuals in the situation aren’t family members or romantically involved.

How does a no contact order work?

A no contact order usually instructs the defendant not to have any in-person contact with the alleged victim. The defendant is instructed to stay a minimum number of feet away from the victim’s place of residence, employment and known areas that he or she frequents.

Do military orders expire?

The law states that the orders are command-specific. 10 USC § 1567 states: “A military protective order issued by a military commander shall remain in effect until such time as the military commander terminates the order or issues a replacement order.”

What to say to get a no contact order dropped?

Write the reasons you want terminate the order. You may want to keep the order but ask that certain parts of it be dropped. You can ask that the “stay away” and “no contact” parts of the order be dropped, but still keep the parts of the order that say the other person can’t abuse you.

Does no contact order go both ways?

Report Abuse A protective order does NOT go both ways. So he can get in trouble for having contact with her, but she cannot get in trouble for having contact with him.

Does no-contact order go both ways?

Does a no-contact order cost money?

Nothing. A civil no-contact order is free of charge.

Can you verify military orders?

Verification of Military Service Please use the Defense Manpower Data Center’s (DMDC) Military Verification service to verify if someone is in the military. The website will tell you if the person is currently serving in the military. The site is available 24-hours a day.

How many paragraphs should be in an army memorandum?

Paragraph 1. should begin 3 spaces below the subject line as indicated by the numbers on the left. Memorandums that I have seen usually have no less than 2-3 paragraphs. It just looks natural. If there is only 1 paragraph, there is no need for numbering.

Where does authority begin in an army memorandum?

Begins right under the last line of the last paragraph. The “Authority Line” goes 2 spaces below. 5 spaces below that, on the left, is where any listed enclosures go. If you do not have an enclosures, you can leave this out. The “Distribution” goes 2 lines under the last line of the enclosures.

What are the different types of memos in the Army?

There are dozens of types of memos but luckily they all have the same basic components. First, lets go over the AR that governs the use and writing of memos. Preparing and Managing Correspondence AR 25-50 is your guidance for all memos.

Where is the signature block on an army memorandum?

Keep you original signed memo in your records. This is the signature block of the memo. It is not centered, but just to the right of the page. A good way to check if it is correct is to print the memo, and fold the page on the vertical mid-line. None of the signature block should be on the left of the fold.