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Do you report West Nile virus?

Do you report West Nile virus?

West Nile virus disease is a nationally notifiable condition. Cases are reported to CDC by state and local health departments using standard case definitions.

How is West Nile detected?

In most cases, your doctor can diagnose West Nile virus with a simple blood test. This can determine whether you have genetic material or antibodies in your blood associated with West Nile virus. If your symptoms are severe and brain-related, your physician may order a lumbar puncture.

When do West Nile symptoms appear?

Most people infected with West Nile virus have only mild, flu-like symptoms that last a few days. Symptoms usually appear within 3 to 14 days of infection. About 20% of the people who become infected will develop West Nile fever.

What is the recommended method for prevention for West Nile virus?

Mosquitoes bite during the day and night. There is no vaccine to prevent WNV infection. The best way to prevent West Nile is to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Use insect repellent, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, treat clothing and gear, and take steps to control mosquitoes indoors and outdoors.

What does West Nile rash look like?

The rash of WNV is similar to many other viral rashes in that it can be nonspecific in nature. WNV rash typically consists of small pink spots – some raised and some flat – symmetrically distributed on the arms, legs, and trunk. It has been described as looking very much like roseola or measles.

What is the incubation period of West Nile?

Clinical Signs & Symptoms The incubation period for WNV disease is typically 2 to 6 days but ranges from 2 to 14 days and can be several weeks in immunocompromised people.

Does West Nile virus show up in blood work?

A diagnosis of West Nile virus can be confirmed using blood tests. Someone who is infected with West Nile virus will have an increased level of antibodies against the disease. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system that attack foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria and other harmful organisms.

What part of the body does West Nile virus affect?

West Nile virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness that can attack the nervous system of animals and humans. The virus interferes with normal central nervous system functioning and causes inflammation of brain tissue.

How long does West Nile virus stay in your body?

Your body has to fight the infection on its own. In mild cases of West Nile, symptoms usually last for 3 to 6 days, and you can recover at home. If you get a more severe case of West Nile, symptoms can last for weeks or months, and you may need to stay in the hospital so you can get medicine to help you recover.

What are the long term effects of West Nile virus?

The most common long-term effects are depression, tremors, fatigue, memory problems, extremity weakness, word-finding difficulty and headaches. Since WNV arrived in North America in 1999, it has become the most common arboviral infection in the continent.

How long does West Nile virus stay in system?

Signs and symptoms of West Nile fever usually last a few days. But signs and symptoms of encephalitis or meningitis can linger for weeks or months. Certain neurological effects, such as muscle weakness, can be permanent.

Does West Nile stay with you forever?

The findings of this study suggest that, in some people, West Nile virus may persist in the kidneys. There have been a few reports of persistent West Nile virus found in brain, spinal fluid, and blood of people who were immunocompromised.