
Does 1960s have an apostrophe?

Does 1960s have an apostrophe?

With dates, the rule is simple: no apostrophes. It’s “1960s” and so forth. The apostrophe is needed when it serves to avoid confusion: She earned all A’s and B’s.

Do you put an apostrophe in years?

Similar to making contractions, an apostrophe should be used with years when omitting numbers. If you choose to write out the entire year, just remember that you shouldn’t add an apostrophe between the year and the letter s. This isn’t grammatically correct, unless the year is possessing something.

Do you write 1950’s or 1950s?

1950 references the year directly. 1950s refers to the entire decade. 1950’s is a reference to some fact or occurrence that belongs to the decade (e.g. The Twist was a 1950’s dance). Though it may seem odd to have a number and letter next to each other without punctuation, the plural has no apostrophe.

Do you need an apostrophe after decades?

DO write a decade as a two-digit number with an apostrophe before it and an “s” after it, as the apostrophe takes the place of the century digits. DON’T use an “apostrophe -s” at all when writing decades. DO write “the 1950s.”

Is it correct to say 1960s?

For instance, writing “the 1960’s” when referring to that entire decade is incorrect; instead, one should write “the 1960s.” The same rule applies to the plural form of any other type of number, such as describing someone’s age (e.g. “clients in their 80s”), and is discussed further in section 4.38 on page 114 of the …

Where does apostrophe go for year?

When abbreviating a year, remove the first two numbers and indicate the omission by using an apostrophe: 2009 becomes ’09 (not ’09) 2010 becomes ’10 (not ’10) 2525 becomes ’25 (if we’re still alive)

Is it 30 years experience or 30 years experience?

Therefore: If you have the experience of ten years in an industry, no apostrophe is needed. If you have ten years’ experience, an apostrophe is needed. If you have only one year’s experience, the apostrophe is needed, but it would appear before the “s” since it is a singular year.

Where do you put the apostrophe in years?

When abbreviating a year, remove the first two numbers and indicate the omission by using an apostrophe:

  1. 2009 becomes ’09 (not ’09)
  2. 2010 becomes ’10 (not ’10)
  3. 2525 becomes ’25 (if we’re still alive)

How do you write 50s and 60s?

There’s no requirement for the apostrophe before the “S” in decade names like 50s and 60s, since there are no omitted letters, though it’s also acceptable to include one. The term may be written “’50s” since “19” is being omitted, but “50s” is fine too.

How do you write 19 fifties?

2. contraction – it’s (it is) Wednesday, I’m Neil, etc. Since the written expression is the nineteen-fifties (the plural of fifty), there should be no use of the apostrophe, by the rules above….English translation: nineteen-fifties (not 1950’s)

English term or phrase: 1950s
Entered by: Neil Phillipson

Can Decades be possessive?

Writing 101: Decades Can’t Be Possessive (Or, Why 1960’s Is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong) In all but the rarest of circumstances, the rules of grammar don’t change. They stay the same all the time, for every word. This is why its so very confusing when people make decades possessive.

How do you write 1960s?

What’s the difference between the 1960s and the 1960’s?

The word: 1960s. The African American woman who created this program in the late 1960s for people with disabilities did an outstanding job. 1960s? 1960’s? No apostrophe, apostrophes are for contractions and to indicate possession. 1960s is neither. Re: ***1960’s or 1960s??????????????? I think both are acceptable; it depends on the style guide.

Is there an apostrophe in the word 1960s?

The word: 1960s. The African American woman who created this program in the late 1960s for people with disabilities did an outstanding job. No apostrophe, apostrophes are for contractions and to indicate possession. 1960s is neither.

When did the 60’s become a great decade?

NOT 60’s, but ’60s. He graduated in 1992. The nineties were a great decade. He thinks the ’90s were overrated. Need some grammar guidance?