Users' questions

Has my postcode won the postcode lottery?

Has my postcode won the postcode lottery?

You can find out the results by:

  1. Checking out the Lottery Results section on the website.
  2. Calling us on freephone number 0808 109 8765.

What is the luckiest postcode in the Postcode Lottery?

NE37 1UB
NE37 1UB was announced as the full winning postcode at the Magical Postcode Million event, hosted in Washington. 41 year old mum of 2 Linda Atchison scooped £166,666 after spending just £10 on Postcode Lottery tickets. The Northumbria University student began playing after a friend won a £30,000 prize.

Do postcode lottery contact you if you win?

Winners are notified by email, SMS message, letter or phonecall depending on the prize you won. If you win a Street Prize or get lucky in our Postcode Millions, we’ll ring or write to you.

Where are the most postcode lottery winners?

Birmingham Revealed As The UK’s Luckiest Postcode Our research found that those living in Birmingham have the highest chance of winning in lotteries. Residents of this Midlands city have seen a shocking number of luckily strikes: 769 Postcode Lottery Wins, as well as 6662 wins in the National Lottery.

How many houses does a postcode cover?

15 properties
How many premises are in a postcode? Each postcode covers an average of about 15 properties. However, this is not a definitive number, where postcodes can hold up to 100.

Has anyone won the postcode lottery twice?

Susan Slater and her husband won more than £30,000 on the People’s Postcode Lottery twice in July. They now want to use the cash to remember their son Steve, who died with coronavirus earlier this year, Essex Live report.

How many houses are in a postcode area?

How many premises are in a postcode? Each postcode covers an average of about 15 properties. However, this is not a definitive number, where postcodes can hold up to 100.

Is the People’s Postcode Lottery genuine?

In 2020, 82% of players won prizes with People’s Postcode Lottery. Only playing postcodes are entered into the Postcode Lottery draws, so prizes are always guaranteed to be won. Over 68% of the postcodes in Great Britain are now playing, so odds are, your neighbours could well be playing already.

What are the odds of winning the postcode lottery jackpot?

As there are approximately 1,080,000 postcodes in each draw this gives us 8 in 1,080,000 chance of winning or 1 in 135,000.

Is the postcode lottery worth doing?

Can two places have the same postcode?

When looking at postal codes around the world, there are cases where two different cities are served by the same postal code. For example, the zip code 94608 in California is used for both Emeryville and parts of Oakland. Using the Postal Code setup view, you can now set up multiple cities to use that same postal code.

Are postcodes unique to each house?

They vary from representing one address to hundreds, it’s not really consistent. It does seem strange that postcodes are not unique to addresses but they were originally just zones intended to help routing.