
How are clouds formed and how are they classified?

How are clouds formed and how are they classified?

Clouds are classified according to appearance and height. Based on appearance, there are two major types: Clouds of vertical development, formed by the condensation of rising air; and clouds that are layered, formed by condensation of air without vertical movement.

How are clouds being classified?

Clouds are classified according to their height above and appearance (texture) from the ground.

How are clouds formed classify them Class 11 geography?

Answer: Convectional Rain: The air on being heated, becomes light and rises up in convection currents. As it rises, it expands and loses heat and consequently, condensation takes place and cumulous clouds are formed.

How are clouds formed Class 9?

How are clouds formed? Ans. During day time water from different sources like pond, lake, river, sea, well etc get evaporated and this water vapour rises up with the hot air. At a particular height the air cools and the water vapour condenses to form minute droplets and form clouds.

What’s the highest cloud?

Noctilucent cloud

  • Noctilucent clouds, or night shining clouds, are tenuous cloud-like phenomena in the upper atmosphere of Earth.
  • They are the highest clouds in Earth’s atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 km (249,000 to 279,000 ft).

Why does Class 9 need water?

Ans: Organisms need water because it plays a vital role in the reaction taking place within organism’s cells and body. Water acts as a universal solvent, providing a medium for the chemical reactions to occur. Substances are alsotransported from one part of body to the other in the dissolved state.

What causes wind class 9th?

Answer: Winds are caused due to unequal heating of atmospheric air. The air above the land gets heated faster and starts rising. As this air rises, a region Of low pressure is created and air over the sea moves into this area Of low pressure. The movement of air from one region to the other Creates winds.

How are clouds formed and how are they formed?

How Do Clouds Form? Clouds are created when water vapor, an invisible gas, turns into liquid water droplets. These water droplets form on tiny particles, like dust, that are floating in the air.

How are the different types of clouds classified?

Clouds are classified according to their height above and appearance (texture) from the ground. The following cloud roots and translations summarize the components of this classification system: 1) Cirro-: curl of hair, high; 2) Alto-: mid; 3) Strato-: layer; 4) Nimbo-: rain, precipitation; and 5) Cumulo-: heap.

How is water vapor used to form clouds?

Heat causes some of the liquid water – from places like oceans, rivers and swimming pools – to change into an invisible gas called water vapor. This process is called evaporation and it’s the start of how clouds are formed. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Alex Novati.

How are clouds formed in the southern Indian Ocean?

The Short Answer: Clouds are created when water vapor, an invisible gas, turns into liquid water droplets. These water droplets form on tiny particles, like dust, that are floating in the air. A camera on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image of clouds over the Southern Indian Ocean.