
How big is a slow pitch softball field?

How big is a slow pitch softball field?

slow pitch rules. The typical distance between the bases for a softball field is 60 feet. The distance from Pitchers Mound to Home Plate vary by age and type of softball field also. For adult slow pitch this distance can range from 35 to 53 feet.

What are the dimensions for a softball field?

Softball Field Dimensions

Baseline 65′ 60′
Home to Second 91′ 11” 84′ 10”
Home to Front of Rubber 50′ 40′
Radius of Skinned Infield 65′ 60′
Home Plate to Backstop 25′ min 25′ min

How far apart are the bases in slow pitch?

In adult slowpitch softball, the field dimensions are: Distance between bases: 65 feet (19.81 metres). Pitching distance: 50 feet (15.24 metres). Minimum outfield distance: 275 feet (83.82 metres).

How far is first base from home plate in slow pitch softball?

60 feet
Baseline — The baselines in softball are 60 feet. When measuring baselines, the proper way to do it is from the back of home plate to the back white corner of first base.

How fast is the fastest softball pitch?

77 mph
The fastest recorded softball pitch is 77 mph (123.9 km/h), achieved by Monica Abbott (USA) on 16 June 2012 in a National Pro Fastpitch (NPF) game for the Chicago Bandits against the Carolina Diamonds in Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA.

What is the width of the chalk line on a softball field?

Chalk lines are typically two-inches (5 cm) wide, but you could make the lines four inched (10 cm) wide if you wish.

What is the standard weight of the softball bat?

Sizes may vary but they may be no more than 34 inches (86 cm) long, 2.4 inches (6 cm) in diameter, or 38 ounces (1.1 kg) in mass. The standard bat barrel diameter for both slow pitch and fast pitch softball is 2 1⁄4 inches. Many players prefer a smaller barrel, which reduces mass and allows higher swing speed.

How many position players are in slow pitch softball?

Ten defensive players are allowed on the field: Pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, shortstop, right fielder, right center fielder, left center fielder, and left fielder. Every team must have at least 8 players present in order for a game to start.

What is an illegal pitch in slow pitch softball?

The pitcher in slow pitch softball is allowed to step forward, sideways or even backward as he delivers the ball, but the arm must continue forward. The pitch must reach an arc of at least 6 feet in height but must not arc higher than 12 feet or it will be called an illegal pitch by the umpire.

Are you allowed to steal bases in slow pitch softball?

D. Base stealing is not allowed. Runners can leave their bases when a pitched ball has reached home plate or is hit. If the batter does not hit the pitch, base runners must return to their bases immediately.

What’s the hardest pitch ever thrown?

105.1 mph
On September 24, 2010, against the San Diego Padres, Chapman was clocked at 105.1 mph (169.1 km/h), according to PITCHf/x, the fastest pitch ever recorded in Major League Baseball.

Who threw the fastest softball pitch ever?

Eddie Feigner
The fastest pitch on record was thrown by Eddie Feigner of “The King and His Court” who was clocked at ⁿ90 mph.