Users' questions

How do flaccid and spastic paralysis differ?

How do flaccid and spastic paralysis differ?

Flaccid paralysis causes your muscles to shrink and become flabby. It results in muscle weakness. Spastic paralysis involves tight and hard muscles. It can cause your muscles to twitch uncontrollably, or spasm.

What causes spastic and flaccid paralysis?

This abnormal condition may be caused by disease or by trauma affecting the nerves associated with the involved muscles. For example, if the somatic nerves to a skeletal muscle are severed, then the muscle will exhibit flaccid paralysis. When muscles enter this state, they become limp and cannot contract.

What is spastic paralysis?

: paralysis with tonic spasm of the affected muscles and with increased tendon reflexes.

What are the causes of flaccid paralysis?

The causes of acute flaccid paralysis can be divided into diseases in which (1) viral infection and inflammation directly attack cell bodies of the lower motor neurons in the anterior horn of the spinal cord (anterior myelitis caused, for example, by polioviruses and other enteroviruses) and (2) an immunologically …

Can a paralyzed man still get erect?

The nerves that control a man’s ability to have a reflex erection are located in the sacral area (S2–S4) of the spinal cord. Most paralyzed men are able to have a reflex erection with physical stimulation unless the S2–S4 pathway is damaged. Spasticity is known to interfere with sexual activity in some people with SCI.

Is paralysis always permanent?

While paralysis is not always a permanent condition, it can still affect you for a very long time. You may require significant medical treatment and rehabilitation to recover from paralysis, as well as spend a long time out of the workplace.

Why do paraplegics have leg spasms?

After a spinal cord injury, the normal flow of signals is disrupted, and the message does not reach the brain. Instead, the signals are sent back to the motor cells in the spinal cord and cause a reflex muscle spasm. This can result in a twitch, jerk or stiffening of the muscle.

Why is spastic paralysis bad for your muscles?

These disruptions can be due to an imbalance in the inhibitory and excitatory signals sent to the muscles, causing them to lock in place. Spasticity can be harmful to growing children as it can affect muscles and joints.

What bacteria causes spastic paralysis?

Botulism facts Botulism is a disease caused by this neurotoxin (specifically A, B, E, or F type neurotoxin); symptoms include a flaccid paralysis (weakness or slackness) in various muscles. Bacteria called Clostridium botulinum produce the neurotoxin. The neurotoxin paralyzes muscles and can be life threatening.

What is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis?

Background: Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) can be caused by a number of conditions. A common preventable cause is poliomyelitis which is still being reported in Pakistan, Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), also known as Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, is another common cause of acute flaccid paralysis.

Where does flaccid paralysis affect the body?

Flaccid paralysis may affect one or more limbs but more commonly affects the lower limbs. Because it is a lower motor neurone disease the reflexes are also absent and the muscles involved waste. These muscles may be very tender with muscle spasm in the early stages.

Do paraplegics get turned on?

For men and women the mechanics of sex typically can still happen post-paralysis with some assistance. “Generally, we get erections, and sometimes more erections than we want,” Tepper says. Many quadriplegic men, with all different types of injuries, have reflex erections when the penis is touched.