
How do you make s possessive?

How do you make s possessive?

Rule 1: In general, you form a possessive singular noun (both proper and common) by adding an apostrophe and the letter S to the end of the word. That’s simple enough. It’s when the car belongs to a person named Chris, or we’re talking about the petals of a crocus that the rules get blurry.

Is possessive S or S?

An apostrophe is used in a possessive form, like Esther’s family or Janet’s cigarettes, and this is the use of the apostrophe which causes most of the trouble. The basic rule is simple enough: a possessive form is spelled with ‘s at the end.

Is s used for possessive?

We use possessive ‘s to say that something or someone belongs to a person, is connected to a place, or to show the relationship between people. The possessive ‘s always comes after a noun. When something belongs to more than one person and we give a list of names, we put ‘s on the last name.

How do you make a name ending in s possessive?

For names ending in s, form the possessive either by simply adding an apostrophe (James’ books) or by adding an apostrophe as well as another s (Charles’s phone). The possessive of a plural name is always formed by adding an apostrophe after the final s (the Smiths’ dog, the Harrises’ family home).

What is possessive example?

Examples of possessive in a Sentence The possessive form of “dog” is “dog’s.” “His” and “her” are possessive pronouns. Noun “Your” and “yours” are possessives.

What is possessive case with example?

Using Apostrophes to Form Possessive Nouns

Type Example Possessive Case
singular noun dog dog’s dinner
plural noun dogs dogs’ dinner
singular noun ending -s Chris Chris’ hat or Chris’s hat
plural noun not ending -s People People’s rights

What is a possessive personality?

Being possessive means you’re being a little selfish about people or things in your life: you’re clinging to them tightly and saying “Mine!” Being possessive isn’t a good thing — possessive people are usually insecure and controlling.

What is the possessive form of Ross?

The possessive form of almost all proper names is formed by adding apostrophe and s to a singular or apostrophe alone to a plural. By this style rule, you would express the plural of Ross as Ross’s. From The New York Time Manual of Style and Usage (1999): possessives.

What is the possessive of James?

To form the possessive of a noun that ends in S, AP style has separate rules for proper names and generic nouns. For proper names like James, AP says, add an apostrophe only: He borrowed James’ car. For generics like boss, add an apostrophe plus S: He borrowed the boss’s car.

When a name ends in s and is possessive?

The general rule is that the possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and s, whether the singular noun ends in s or not. The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s.

How to make people possessive?

How to Make the Word PEOPLE Possessive. To make a singular noun possessive, the rule is to add apostrophe s: The dog’s bone was missing. To make a plural noun possessive (if it ends in -s), the rule is to add an apostrophe (after the -s). The cats’ paws were covered in dirt. So, what’s up with people? PEOPLE is a plural noun, but it does not end in -s, because it is one of those irregular nouns (like geese, children, women etc).

Is it good to be possessive?

When you’re possessive, it means that you’re afraid to lose your external illusion to “happiness”. Being possessive is the lack of strength in a relationship and it leads to insecurities between two loved ones. It not only destroys a relationship – being possessive to some extent is good to be in a healthy relationship.

What is the possessive case for words ending in s?

Plural nouns ending in s take no further ending for the possessive. In writing, however, an apostrophe is put after the s to indicate the possessive case. Plural nouns not ending in s take ‘s in the possessive. Note : In older English the possessive of most nouns was written as well as pronounced with the ending -es or -is.

How do you make a noun possessive?

A noun names a person, place, thing, idea, quality or action. A possessive noun shows ownership by adding an apostrophe, an “s” or both. To make a single noun possessive, simply add an apostrophe and an “s.”.