
How do you move Comp three variables to alphanumeric in COBOL?

How do you move Comp three variables to alphanumeric in COBOL?

You cannot move a COMP-3 variable to alphanumeric directly. It will not give a SOC7 error but will you give you a return code 12 stating that comp-3 and alphanumeric variables did not follow the move compatibility rule.

Can we move Comp-3 to comp?

Hi, 1. it possible to move a comp-3 field to a comp field or display field and vice versa..

Can we move zeros to Comp-3 Variable?

When you move ZERO/ZEROS/ZEROES to a group level which contains elementary COMP-3 fields (in this example) 12-Bytes of Display-Numeric ZERO (X’F0′) is moved to all three fields, which will eventually cause a S0C7 Data Exception.

Can we display Comp-3 variables COBOL?

In the below file, the last 2 Bytes are COMP-3 Data. You read the Hexa-decimal value in a top-down fashion. 3. You may also DISPLAY this in COBOL, by first MOVE’ing the data to a Numeric-Edited DISPLAY Format Variable.

Can we move numeric to comp3 in COBOL?

Re: Moving Numeric to COmp 3 This will allow COBOL to handle the conversion between the PIC X internal storage format and the COMP-3 internal storage format.

What is Comp 3 variables COBOL?

COBOL Comp-3 is a binary field type that puts (“packs”) two digits into each byte, using a notation called Binary Coded Decimal, or BCD. This halves the storage requirements compared to a character, or COBOL “display”, field.

Can we move numeric to comp in COBOL?

Any numeric variable (USAGE DISPLAY, COMP, COMP-1, COMP-2, COMP-3, COMP-4, or COMP-5) can be moved to a COMP-3 variable with only truncation and overflow issues possible, depending upon the PICTURE clauses involved.

What is Comp-3 variables COBOL?

How do I convert comp to numeric in Cobol?

RE: moving COMP value to numeric value

  1. 01 val1-display PIC 99.99999. Very Important! I am presuming that you have remembered to initialize. the val1 by coding :-
  2. MOVE 0.324 TO VAL1. So now, add.
  3. MOVE VAL1 TO VAL1-DISPLAY. DISPLAY ‘VAL1-DISPLAY=>’ VAL1-DISPLAY. Let us know how you go.

What is Comp-3 variables Cobol?

What is 77 level used for in COBOL?

77 Level Number Uses, significance:77 is a special Level number in COBOL which is used to declare the Individual Elementary data items. Of course, Individual elementary data items can be declared using 01 level but 77 declared fields does not allow any sub ordinate data field declarations.

What is level 88 in COBOL?

88 level number in COBOL is one of the most used declarations in mainframes development and it is considered as a special level number which is used to improve the readability of COBOL programs. As it gives a name to a condition, it is also called as ‘Condition Names’.

How to move comp-3 to numeric in COBOL?

How to MOVE comp-3 value to Numeric in COBOL. Let us take an example and I will explain how to write code for this. 01 Var-1 s9(3) comp-3 value 123. 01 Var-2 s9(3) value 0. Instead of MOVE statement use ‘ADD’. So that you will get correct result. ADD VAR-1 to VAR-2. Now, you will get data in numeric format i.e into VAR-2. Related Posts

Is it possible to move comp-3 to a comp variable?

Moving Comp-3 to a Comp variable. 1. it possible to move a comp-3 field to a comp field or display field and vice versa.. 2. it possible to redefine a field with comp-3 status to a comp status.

Can a comp-3 variable be moved to alphanumeric?

There have been few discussions on this topic previously. A straight MOVE of COMP-3 to Alphanumeric doesn’t works. 01 WS-A PIC S9 (4) COMP-3 VALUE 1234. 01 WS-A-NUM PIC S9 (4).

How is the length of a COBOL variable calculated?

The sign ½ byte values are C = signed positive D = signed negative F = unsigned (non COBOL). S9 (6)V9 (3) COMP-3 VALUE 123.45. Length is calculated as ROUND UP [ (9 + 1) / 2] = 5 bytes Note the decimal alignment & zero padding. COBOL Data field structures are define as hierarchical structures.
