Users' questions

How far is Ladakh from Pune?

How far is Ladakh from Pune?

Distance Between Pune to Ladakh

Distance between Pune to Ladakh by Road is 2483 Kms
Distance between Pune to Ladakh by Flight is 1777 Kms
Travel Time from Pune to Ladakh by Road is 44:38 hrs
Nearest Airport in Pune Pune International Airport (18.52, 73.86)
Nearest Airport in Ladakh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport (34.15, 77.58)

How can I go to Leh from Pune?

The cheapest way to reach from Pune to Leh is train to Hazrat Nizamuddin, then flight to Leh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport and takes 31h 40m. The fastest way to reach from Pune to Leh is cab to Mumbai, then flight to Leh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport and takes 6h 16m.

Which route is best for Leh?

Route 5: Srinagar – Kargil – Leh – Khardung La – Nubra Valley – Chang La – Tso Pangong – Tso Moriri – Tso Kar – Tanglang La – Sarchu – Manali. This route will offer you the best of both Manali – Leh Highway and Srinagar – Leh Highway.

How much it cost for Leh Ladakh trip from Pune?

Call us at 08441973424

Package Type Cost PP
Budget 20,250/- Rs
Deluxe 23,250/- Rs
Luxury 26,300/- Rs

How far is Leh from Ladakh?

0 Kms
Distance Between Leh to Ladakh

Distance between Leh to Ladakh by Road is 0 Kms
Distance between Leh to Ladakh by Flight is 0 Kms
Travel Time from Leh to Ladakh by Road is 0 hrs
Nearest Airport in Leh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport (34.15, 77.58)
Nearest Airport in Ladakh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport (34.15, 77.58)

How many days are enough for Leh Ladakh?

How many days are best for the Ladakh holiday? 7 to 10 days trip is fine for Ladakh as you would be able to see a lot of places. But if you wish to do a trip that isn’t full of travel then 15 days are perfect.

Which route is better for Ladakh?

If you plan to go by road, the best time to travel is between May and mid-October. During this period, most of the roads in Ladakh are open and are in prime condition. The two best routes to take from Delhi are either the Manali route or the Srinagar route.

Which is better Leh or Ladakh?

Ladakh is a division, which should then be compared with other divisions like Jammu or Kashmir. What we can compare though are the two districts of Ladakh, which are Leh and Kargil. Generally, Leh is the more popular destination out of the two, despite being one of the least populated districts in the country.

How to calculate the distance between Pune and Ladakh?

Find the distance between Pune and Ladakh. The map given below shows the road distance from Ladakh to Pune. This distance calculator shows the Pune – Ladakh road travel distance in Kilometers. Also given is the flight distance or the air travel distance between the two cities. Find the actual driving distance to Pune from Ladakh by road.

Is there a bike ride from Pune to Leh?

This is the standard way that people follow in Leh Ladakh bike trip. Or they hire bike on rent either from Manali or directly in Leh. But while planning i thought what if we start our ride from pune itself. That would be a life time experience covering 10 states all along the route Pune to Ladakh.

Which is the toughest road from Delhi to Leh?

On each day will have different climate, people, food, terrain.I had calculated that if we do delhi to leh to delhi, then this circuit itself would be of 3000+ km in which 1000 km is considered as the “world’s toughest roads”. Immediately we dropped my idea to ride from pune to Ladakh.

Which is better Leh Ladakh or adventure trip?

Leh Ladakh road trip is all about adventure and in my opinion adventure trip is nothing but a little less planned trip.If you get backup of each and everything then there will be no thrill and surprise in your trip.But that doesn’t mean that you will not going to plan your road trip or to take precaution in your trip.