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How much is a bus from San Antonio to Austin?

How much is a bus from San Antonio to Austin?

Quick info about your trip between San Antonio, TX and Austin, TX

Bus ticket from $7.99
Distance between San Antonio, TX & Austin, TX 74 miles
Direct connections Yes
Environmentally-friendly bus travel Yes

How much is a Greyhound bus from Austin to San Antonio?

Bus from Austin to San Antonio from $11 | Greyhound.

What’s better Austin or San Antonio?

San Antonio has the real estate edge over Austin because of its affordability. As far as the overall cost of living is concerned, there’s a stark difference between Austin and San Antonio; living in Austin costs 33% more than living in San Antonio, according to Sperling’s Best Places.

Is there a train between San Antonio and Austin?

Amtrak Texas Eagle is the one and only train line which connects San Antonio, Texas to Austin, Texas. Furthermore, there is only one train per day, so you will have to plan your travel around this limited availability.

Do you need ID for megabus?

While photo identification is not required to board the bus, we recommend that travelers be prepared to produce a photo ID with proof of age to avoid being refused from traveling on our buses due to being underage.

Is San Antonio or Austin expensive?

Austin is 33.0% more expensive than San Antonio. Austin housing costs are 110.3% more expensive than San Antonio housing costs. Health related expenses are 1.2% more in Austin.

Is San Antonio safer than Austin?

According to crime statistics compiled by the FBI, Austin’s murder rate of 2.8 per 100,000 is the lowest of the big four Texas cities making up the Texas Triangle (Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin). Of the 24 most populous cities in Texas, Austin is the fourth safest, overall.

Is there a bus from San Antonio to Austin?

Yes, we offer multiple trips between San Antonio, TX and Austin, TX. Simply select your desired departure dates and find the trip that suits you the best. How long is a bus ride from San Antonio, TX to Austin, TX?

How long is the drive from Austin to San Antonio?

The distance between San Antonio and Austin is 74 miles. The road distance is 79.9 miles. How do I travel from San Antonio to Austin without a car? The best way to get from San Antonio to Austin without a car is to bus which takes 1h 55m and costs $7 – $22. How long does it take to get from San Antonio to Austin?

Where does the Megabus stop in San Antonio?

The bus sets off from Parking lot, 840 Probandt St, near Bill Miller BBQ and drops you off at 1500 San Jacinto Blvd The megabus.com stop for all arrivals and departures in San Antonio is at the surface lot at 840 Probandt Street next to Bill Miller BBQ and across the road from Jack in the Box.