
What are the holdings of UTG?

What are the holdings of UTG?

Top 10 Holdings

  • BCE Inc. 4.79%
  • NextEra Energy Inc. 4.62%
  • Verizon Communications Inc. 4.35%
  • Charter Communications Inc Class A. 4.31%
  • TELUS Corp. 4.25%
  • Fortis Inc. 4.11%
  • Altice USA Inc Class A. 4.00%
  • American Water Works Co Inc. 3.97%

Is Utg a good stock?

UTG yields 7% and is an undervalued investment with great returns potential.

Is Utg a closed end fund?

Ticker: (UTG) The Reaves Utility Income Fund is a publicly listed closed-end fund with an emphasis on paying a high distribution to shareholders through dividends and capital gains generated by the Fund’s investments. Reaves Asset Management is the Investment Advisor to the Fund.

Is Utg leveraged?

About The Fund UTG is a large fund in CEF standards, at $2.203 billion in assets. The fund utilizes leverage to potentially enhance gains. Currently, leverage consists of $445 million of assets or 26.52%.

What is the net asset value of UTG?


Share Price NAV
Current $33.20 $32.77
52 Wk Avg $33.81 $33.25
52 Wk High $36.50 $36.07
52 Wk Low $30.50 $29.95

What is a closed in fund?

A closed fund is one that has stopped accepting new money from investors. A fund closed to new investments may be winding down and terminating, or else has reached some specified amount of assets that precludes it from taking in more money.

Is UTF a good investment?

UTF solves that problem for income investors. The fund uses a relatively modest amount of leverage to get a yield that is currently almost 8%. UTF has a strong track record beating the S&P 500 index over the long run, generating a solid income and great returns over decades.


The DNP Select Income Fund (DNP) is a leveraged CEF focusing on high-quality low-risk utilities stocks. DNP offers investors a strong, safe 7.3% distribution yield, capital preservation, and market-beating NAV returns.

Is Utg a CEF?

UTG and UTF are closed-end funds (CEFs), which are different from ETFs and mutual funds in one important way: under most circumstances, CEFs can’t issue new shares to new investors.

What is the NAV for DNP?


Share Price NAV
Current $10.77 $9.91
52 Wk Avg $10.34 $9.29
52 Wk High $10.94 $10.04
52 Wk Low $9.72 $8.21

Why are closed-end funds bad?

The bad side of a closed-end fund is when the fund’s managers use their closed-end structures to collect high fees from their captive investors. Many closed-end funds are all about collecting high fees from investors: initial offering fees and egregious management fees.

Can I redeem closed ended funds?

An investor can purchase the units of a close-ended scheme from a fund house only during the NFO period and can redeem them with the fund house only after maturity which typically ranges from 3 to 7 years.