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What are the suspected signs and symptoms of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

What are the suspected signs and symptoms of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is usually caused by an unpredictable adverse reaction to certain medications….Flu-like symptoms are also usually present during the initial stages, and may include:

  • feeling generally unwell.
  • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above.
  • a headache.
  • joint pain.
  • a cough.

How serious is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Serious complications can include pneumonia, overwhelming bacterial infections (sepsis ), shock, multiple organ failure, and death. About 10 percent of people with Stevens-Johnson syndrome die from the disease, while the condition is fatal in up to 50 percent of those with toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Can Steven Johnsons Syndrome be mild?

Skin and mucous membrane involvement initially can be mild or it can rapidly progress. Some individuals may have severe skin symptoms and mild mucosal involvement while others have mild skin involvement and severe mucosal symptoms.

How long does it take for Steven Johnson syndrome to go away?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a medical emergency that usually requires hospitalization. Treatment focuses on removing the cause, caring for wounds, controlling pain and minimizing complications as skin regrows. It can take weeks to months to recover.

How long does it take for Steven Johnson syndrome to develop?

The typical clinical course of SJS begins within 8 weeks (usually 4 to 30 days) following the first exposure to the causative agent. Only in very rare cases where an inadvertent rechallenge occurs do symptoms appear within hours.

How quickly does Stevens-Johnson syndrome start?

If your case of SJS is caused by a drug, symptoms appear about one to three weeks after you start taking medication. The flu-like illness (fever, cough and headache, skin pain) is followed first by a rash and then peeling. In the case of TEN, some people even lose hair and nails.

Is there a blood test for Stevens-Johnson syndrome?

Approach Considerations. There are no specific laboratory studies (other than biopsy) that can definitively establish the diagnosis of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Serum levels of the following are typically elevated in patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome: Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha.

Is Steven Johnson contagious?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a hypersensitivity reaction. This means the immune system overreacts, causing inflammation, skin rashes and other symptoms, but it’s not contagious.

How do you get Stevens-Johnson syndrome?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare and unpredictable illness. Your doctor may not be able to identify its exact cause, but usually the condition is triggered by medication, an infection or both. You may react to medication while you’re using it or up to two weeks after you’ve stopped using it.

What drugs cause Stevens Johnson syndrome?

Medication and therapy causes. Drugs that can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome include: Anti-gout medications, such as allopurinol. Medications to treat seizures and mental illness (anticonvulsants and antipsychotics), with added risk if you also undergo radiation therapy;

What medicines cause Stevens Johnson syndrome?

Antibiotics with a penicillin or sulfa base are known to cause the syndrome. Other drugs whose side effects may be linked to Stevens Johnson Syndrome include Children’s Advil , Motrin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories; anti-gout drugs; and Dilantin, a medication to treat epilepsy.

What is the cause of Stevens Johnson syndrome?

Infectious causes. Infections that can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome include: Herpes virus (herpes simplex or herpes zoster) Pneumonia. HIV. Hepatitis A.

What is the treatment for Steven Johnson syndrome?

Medications used in the treatment of Stevens-Johnson syndrome include: Pain medication to reduce discomfort. Medication to reduce inflammation of the eyes and mucous membranes (topical steroids). Antibiotics to control infection, when needed.