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What does it mean to plan accordingly?

What does it mean to plan accordingly?

Accordingly means in accord with, or in correspondence with something. Accordingly is the adverb form of accord, which means harmony, or agreement. We often use the phrase “act accordingly,” which just means to behave in a logical manner based on what you feel, learn, or are told.

What does it mean to schedule accordingly?

“Accordingly” implies that the arrangement of the schedule will take into account the concerns just discussed. If you just say “I’ll arrange the schedule” your listener has no such assurance.

How do you use accordingly in a sentence?

Examples of accordingly in a Sentence He knew his limitations and acted accordingly. She is considered a manager and is paid accordingly. The car is made with the best materials and is priced accordingly.

What does it mean to proceed accordingly?

vb intr. 1 often foll by: to to advance or carry on, esp. after stopping. 2 often foll by: with to undertake and continue (something or to do something)

What does it mean to respond accordingly?

adverb [oft ADVERB with verb] You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to.

How do you use plan accordingly in a sentence?

Parenthood and loss of a loved one have made me consider my own mortality and plan accordingly. With a fixed-rate mortgage you know exactly how much you will be paying back every month and can plan accordingly. We chose a five-year mortgage, so we had certainty over our payments and could budget and plan accordingly.

What is accordingly an example of?

Accordingly is defined as to be done a way that is fitting and proper or in alignment with something. An example of the word accordingly is when a teacher asks a student to behave accordingly by reminding the student of appropriate behavior using other students an example. Therefore. In accordance; correspondingly.

What is the use of accordingly?

You use accordingly to say that one thing happens as a result of another thing. It is a difficult job and they should be paid accordingly.

Has or had meaning?

‘Has’ is the third person singular present tense of ‘have’ while ‘had’ is the third person singular past tense and past participle of ‘have. Both are transitive verbs, but ‘has’ is used in sentences that talk about the present while ‘had’ is used in sentences that talk about the past.

Where can we use accordingly?

You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to. We have a different background. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.

Will be paid accordingly mean?

/əˈkɔː.dɪŋ.li/ in a way that is suitable or right for the situation: When we receive your instructions we will act accordingly. She’s an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly.

What is the synonym of accordingly?

appropriately, thus, properly, therefore, subsequently, proportionately, respectively, correspondingly, consequently, duly, equally, ergo, hence, so, suitably, then, fitly, in consequence, in respect to, resultantly.

What is the meaning of so you can plan accordingly?

Nooly, then, wants to deliver the most accurate, localized and up-to-date forecasts out there so that you, reader, can know how Mother Nature plans to impact your life on any given day so that you can plan accordingly. You can ask your doctor how long you will be waiting ahead of time so that you can plan accordingly.

Why is it important to plan your day?

Habits are easier to build when we see the results of our dedication right away. Luckily, planning your day is a habit that pays off immediately. You’ll feel more organized, focused, and motivated with a plan for the hours ahead. Over time, planning your day will become second-nature.

How long should it take to plan your day?

While planning your day should only take 10-15 minutes, the underlying strategies to meaningfully craft a day with intention are worth exploring in full. Make regular planning a habit

How to stick with your daily day plan?

How to stick with your daily plan & course-correct when needed. 1 Eliminate distractions. Stay focused by eliminating common distractions that pull you away from your objectives for the day –– especially if the bulk 2 Track your time. 3 Try hourly check-ins. 4 Readjust your plan. 5 Get to “To Do List Zero”.