
What is the best treatment for cystocele?

What is the best treatment for cystocele?

What is the best treatment for cystocele?

  • Kegel exercises (pelvic floor strengthening exercises)
  • Physical therapy.
  • Vaginal pessary (a vaginal support device)
  • Medications such as estrogen replacement therapy.

What is a Grade 1 cystocele?

There are three grades of cystocele: Grade 1 (mild): The bladder drops only a short way into the vagina. Grade 2 (moderate): The bladder drops to the opening of the vagina. Grade 3 (severe): The bladder bulges through the opening of the vagina.

Does Grade 2 cystocele require surgery?

Grade 2 Cystocele This type of cystocele causes major discomfort and severe urinary incontinence. The treatment for this type of cystocele is usually some form of cystocele repair surgery but the cystocele may also be treated with a pessary device.

What is an anterior cystocele?

Anterior vaginal prolapse, also known as a cystocele (SIS-toe-seel) or a prolapsed bladder, is when the bladder drops from its normal position in the pelvis and pushes on the wall of the vagina.

What happens if prolapse is left untreated?

If prolapse is left untreated, over time it may stay the same or slowly get worse. In rare cases, severe prolapse can cause obstruction of the kidneys or urinary retention (inability to pass urine). This may lead to kidney damage or infection.

What does a cystocele feel like to touch?

Symptoms of cystocele include: Feeling of pelvic heaviness or fullness. Bulge in the vagina that you can feel. Aching or a feeling of pressure in the lower belly or pelvis.

What does cystocele pain feel like?

Is it a good thing if a girl is tight?

A ‘tight’ vagina isn’t necessarily a good thing If you’re not turned on, interested, or physically prepared for intercourse, your vagina won’t relax, self-lubricate, and stretch. Tight vaginal muscles, then, could make a sexual encounter painful or impossible to complete.