
What is the difference between Liriope muscari and Liriope spicata?

What is the difference between Liriope muscari and Liriope spicata?

Liriope muscari generally grows in a clump form and will spread to about 12 to 18 inches wide. Liriope spicata spreads rapidly by underground stems (rhizomes) and will cover a wide area. Because of its rapid spread, L. spicata is not suitable for an edging but is excellent for groundcover.

Is Liriope considered invasive?

Liriope spicata is a low-growing perennial grass. It’s often used as a groundcover or as an edging for walkways and garden beds, but it’s aggressive and spreads fast. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t become invasive in your garden.

Does Liriope come back every year?

Although liriope looks like grass, it isn’t; it’s a perennial plant. Mondo grass is an ornamental grass.

Which Liriope Cannot spread?

Liriope muscari is the “clumping” kind that does not spread by runners and basically stays where you put it. It blooms purple, not white like spicata, but it shares all the good qualities of the spreading kind – incredible toughness and adaptability – without the invasive behavior.

What can I plant next to liriope?

Complement your Liriope with these varieties:

  • Geranium, Perennial. Low growing and colorful, Cranesbill Geranium makes a good companion for Liriope.
  • Blue Fescue. Mixing Blue Fescue and Liriope together on a sunny hillside is an attractive option.
  • Lamium.

Does liriope stay green in winter?

Liriope spicata is green all summer—and winter—long. Japanese pachysandra is an extremely common ground cover for shaded landscapes. It spreads quickly and, once established, remains weed- and maintenance-free.

How deep should you plant liriope?

Both plants fill in nicely when you plant them in diagonal rows.

  1. Clear weeds, grass and other debris from the area in full sun to partial shade that you’ve chosen to plant with liriope.
  2. Spread a 2-inch layer of compost over the cleared soil and work it in to a 6-inch depth with a shovel.

What can I plant next to Liriope?

Does Liriope need to be cut back?

It is not necessary, but homeowners and landscapers often trim liriope just prior to spring to remove old-looking and tattered foliage. Time the pruning before new growth has started to emerge in the spring. The trimmed foliage is usually a good candidate for your compost.

Should you cut back liriope?

Clipping back every two to three years generally is adequate, so if your liriope looks fine this year, you may leave it alone. For readers with other ground covers, Asian jasmine generally requires cutting back at least once a year.

Will liriope choke out other plants?

spicata, or creeping liriope, is best used in difficult areas such as on hillsides. It is an aggressive spreader and should only be used in areas that need full coverage, as it will choke out other plants.