
What is the meaning of glittering generalities propaganda?

What is the meaning of glittering generalities propaganda?

A glittering generality or glowing generality is an emotionally appealing phrase so closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that it carries conviction without supporting information or reason. Such highly valued concepts attract general approval and acclaim.

What is an example of glittering generalities?

Using them has been described as “name-calling in reverse.” Examples of words commonly employed as glittering generalities in political discourse include freedom, security, tradition, change, and prosperity.

How do you identify glittering generalities?

Glittering generalities have two features. They are vague and often ambiguous, and the listener receives the sense that is close to his own perception of the word. Second, they are positive words, sometimes called virtue words. The listener almost instinctively trusts the source.

Why is glittering generalities used?

Glittering generalities are a commonly used propaganda device. The goal of using a glittering generality is always to influence audience members in favor of an idea, concept, product, or person.

What is an example of a transfer?

Transfer is defined as to move, carry or transport from one person or place to another. An example of to transfer is the owner of a car signing the title over to a new owner. An example of to transfer is picking up a package from one location and bringing it to another.

What’s an example of an example?

Example is defined as something or someone that is used as a model. An example of the word “example” is a previously baked pie shown to a cooking class. An example of the word “example” is 2×2=4 used to show multiplication. The squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.

How do you stop glittering generalities?

Method. Use attractive, but vague words that make speeches and other communications sound good, but in practice say nothing in particular. Use linguistic patterns such as alliteration, metaphor and reversals that turn your words into poetry that flows and rhymes in hypnotic patterns.

What is an example of transfer?

Which is the best example of a transfer payment?

Examples of transfer payments include welfare, financial aid, social security, and government subsidies for certain businesses.

What does the glittering generalities method of propaganda mean?

Glittering generalities is a method of propaganda, which implies vague words or statements that have an emotional appeal on people without providing specific grounds. Such words usually have a positive effect on people as they identify high-valued ideas and define the general concept of the glittering generalities.

What is glittering generalities examples?

A glittering generality is a vague word or phrase used to evoke positive feelings rather than to convey information. Also called a glowing generality, an empty vessel, a virtue word, or a loaded word. Examples of words that often function as glittering generalities in political discourse include freedom, security, tradition, change, and prosperity.

What is the meaning of the word glittering?

A glittering generality is a vague word or phrase used to evoke positive feelings rather than to convey information. Also called a glowing generality, an empty vessel, a virtue word, or a loaded word. “A glittering generality is a word so vague that everyone agrees on its appropriateness and value—but no one is really sure just what it means.

Can a glittering generality make or break a campaign?

In the modern age of ten-second sound bites, glittering generalities can make or break a candidate’s campaign. “‘I stand for freedom: for a strong nation, unrivaled in the world. My opponent believes we must compromise on these ideals, but I believe they are our birthright.’