Users' questions

When Butterfly researchers talk about temporal isolation they mean?

When Butterfly researchers talk about temporal isolation they mean?

Temporal isolation, in biology, a type of reproductive isolation mechanism among sexual organisms in which the differences in the timing of critical reproductive events prevent members of closely related species, which could otherwise breed with one another, from mating and producing hybrid offspring.

What are examples of temporal isolation?

Temporal isolation happens when two or more species reproduce at different times. For example, three species of orchid live in the same rain forest. Each species has flowers that last only one day and must be pollinated on that day to produce seeds.

What is the effect of temporal isolation?

The temporal isolation effect in IFR and ISR. The TIE refers to the recall advantage for items that are more temporally isolated at encoding and so are more temporally discriminable from their immediate neighbours at retrieval.

Is Temporal Isolation Prezygotic or Postzygotic?

Prezygotic isolation occurs before the formation of a zygote can take place. In most cases mating does not even occur. Forms of prezygotic isolation include spatial, behavioral, mechanical and temporal isolation. Postzygotic isolation occurs after members of two different species have mated and produced a zygote.

What is the difference between Prezygotic and postzygotic barriers?

Reproductive isolation is a mechanism that keeps species from mating with others. Prezygotic isolation prevents the fertilization of eggs while postzygotic isolation prevents the formation of fertile offspring. Now these fall into two categories, these reproductive isolating mechanisms.

What is a postzygotic barrier?

postzygotic barrier: a mechanism that blocks reproduction after fertilization and zygote formation. hybrid inviability: a situation in which a mating between two individuals creates a hybrid that does not survive past the embryonic stages.

What is a Postzygotic barrier?

What is seasonal isolation?

A type of ecological reproductive isolation in which different species become reproductively active at different times; temporal isolation.

Can temporal isolation lead to speciation?

The Isterfoss population is shown to be most closely related to its geographical neighbors, yet clearly morphologically and genetically distinct and homogeneous. We conclude that this population is in the process of sympatric speciation, with temporal isolation being the most important direct barrier to gene flow.

What does temporal mean in biology?

temporal. (Science: anatomy) Of or pertaining to the temple or temples; as, the temporal bone; a temporal artery. Temporal bone, a very complex bone situated in the side of the skull of most mammals and containing the organ of hearing.

Is behavioral isolation a Prezygotic barrier?

Prezygotic barriers: Anything that prevents mating and fertilization is a prezygotic mechanism. Habitat isolation, behavioral isolation, temporal isolation, mechanical isolation and gametic isolation are all examples of prezygotic isolating mechanisms.

What is the difference between a Prezygotic barrier and an Postzygotic barrier?

Reproductive isolation is a mechanism that keeps species from mating with others. Prezygotic isolation prevents the fertilization of eggs while postzygotic isolation prevents the formation of fertile offspring.