Where is null object in after effects?
Where is null object in after effects?
To create a null layer, navigate to the Layer Tab in After Effects, then New > Null Object. You can also simply enter Command+Option+Shift+Y for Mac, or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y for Windows.
What are null objects used for in after effects?
A null object is an invisible layer that has all the properties of a visible layer, so that it can be a parent to any layer in the composition. You’ll use a null object to scale the layers of the 3D object down to a more manageable size.
How do you scale an object in after effects?
To increase or decrease Scale for selected layers by 10%, hold down Alt+Shift (Windows) or Option+Shift (Mac OS) as you press + or – on the numeric keypad. To scale an entire composition, choose File > Scripts > Scale Composition.
What is a null object After Effects?
A null object is an invisible layer that has all the properties of a visible layer so that it can be a parent to any layer in the composition. You can apply Expression Controls effects to null objects and then use the null object as a control layer for effects and animations in other layers.
Can a layer have two parents After Effects?
AfterEffects : Parenting Layers. AfterEffects allows you to “parent” one layer to another.
How do you scale an object in After Effects?
Why use a null object in after effects?
To assign a parent layer, but keep that layer from being a visible element in your project, use a null object. A null object is an invisible layer that has all the properties of a visible layer so that it can be a parent to any layer in the composition. Adjust and animate a null object as you would any other layer.
Which properties are automatically included with a shape layer?
Shape layers contain vector graphics objects called shapes. By default, a shape consists of a path, a stroke, and a fill. (See About paths and Strokes and fills for shapes.)