
Why is Planning Act 2008 important?

Why is Planning Act 2008 important?

The Planning Act 2008 was introduced by the UK government with the intention of reducing the amount of time taken for approving major new infrastructure projects. The Act made provision for the IPC to authorise major new infrastructure projects, such as airports, roads, harbours, energy facilities, and so on.

What are the main planning acts?

Three further Acts related to planning are associated with this primary act: The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990, and the Planning (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990. These four Acts are referred to as the Planning Acts.

What is a development consent order?

A Development Consent Order (DCO) is the means of obtaining permission for developments categorised as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP). This includes energy, transport, water and waste projects.

Does the Planning Act 2008 apply in Scotland?

The regulations have the same extent of the Planning Act and apply to England, Wales and Scotland (section 240 of the Planning Act). They also apply in territorial waters adjacent to England and Wales, and any Renewable Energy Zone (except those where Scottish Ministers have functions).

What is a planning Act?

The Planning Act 2016 (Qld) (Planning Act) is the principal law regulating planning and development in two main ways: It provides a framework for local governments to prepare planning schemes and for the state government to prepare regional and statewide planning instruments.

What is the planning Act NI 2011?

Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (2011 Cap. 25). An Act to make provision in relation to planning; and for connected purposes. The Act transfers the majority of planning functions and decision making responsibilities for local development plans, development management plus planning enforcement to councils.

Why do we need planning laws?

Planning permission controls the way our towns, cities and countryside develop. This includes the use of land and buildings, the appearance of buildings, landscaping considerations, highway access and the impact that the development will have on the general environment.

What is the purpose of the planning Act?

Scope of the Act To establish an Act to: Manage the interrelationships of land uses, resources and the environment within the State. Strategically plan for future growth and change within the State. Support the timely delivery of public facilities, infrastructure and services to meet community needs.

How long does a development consent order last?

From accepting an application to making a decision, the whole process should last in the region of 15 months.

Who approves DCO?

The Secretary of State
The Secretary of State may approve the DCO in the form proposed by the Examining Authority or make changes to it. The Secretary of State may also refuse a DCO and this has occurred in three cases.

What is permitted development UK?

Permitted development rights are a national grant of planning permission which allow certain building works and changes of use to be carried out without having to make a planning application. Permitted development rights are subject to conditions and limitations to control impacts and to protect local amenity.

What is the key legislation in the planning process?

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 It makes provisions relating to spatial development, planning and compulsory purchase and establishes sustainable development as a key objective of the planning system. For more information, see Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act.