
Can TOF-SIMS provide quantitative information about sample surface composition?

Can TOF-SIMS provide quantitative information about sample surface composition?

Such a platform enables qualitative and quantitative measurements of surface composition for the fine spray dried ASD particles with ultrasurface-sensitivity (less than 10 nm from the surface) and superior spatial resolution (approximately 250 nm for ToF-SIMS).

What are the different types of data that can be obtained from TOF-SIMS measurements?

TOF-SIMS can provide mass spectral information; image information in the XY dimension across a sample; and also depth profile information on the Z dimension into a sample.

What is TOF-SIMS analysis?

Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is a surface-sensitive analytical method that uses a pulsed ion beam (Cs or microfocused Ga) to remove molecules from the very outermost surface of the sample. Analytical capabilities of ToF-SIMS include: Mass resolution of 0.00x amu.

How do you read TOF on SIMS spectra?

TOF-SIMS spectra are typically displayed as a plot of signal intensity or ion counts on the Y-axis versus m/z on the X-axis. The height of a signal is proportional to the amount of that ion present in the spectrum and the m/z of the ion is basically the mass of that ion (if it is singly charged).

What is TOF-SIMS used for?

ToF-SIMS is an imaging mass spectrometry (MS) technique that allows us to obtain isotopic, elemental, and molecular information from the surface of solid samples.

What does Maldi Tof measure?

MALDI/TOF serves as a method for determining the drug resistance of bacteria, especially to β-lactams (Penicillin family). The MALDI/TOF detects the presence of carbapenemases, which indicates drug resistance to standard antibiotics.

What is ToF-SIMS used for?

What is the difference between Sims and ToF-SIMS?

SIMS is a technique that can obtain the concentration distribution of impurities in the depth direction with high sensitivity by continuously bombarding a sample with a chemically active ion beam (cesium, oxygen). TOF-SIMS typically uses heavy ions (Bi, Au, Ga.)

What do you mean by time of flight?

Time of flight (ToF) is the measurement of the time taken by an object, particle or wave (be it acoustic, electromagnetic, etc.) to travel a distance through a medium.

What is the difference between Sims and TOF-SIMS?

How expensive is MALDI-TOF?

The cost analysis performed in this study had potential limitations. First, the cost of implementing MALDI-TOF for blood culture review was estimated to be $27,716 for the 3-month interventional period.

What is the full form of MALDI-TOF?

Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time Of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) is a common method used for quality control (QC) of oligonucleotides. The MALDI-TOF instrument uses pulses of laser light to vaporize the oligo/matrix in a process known as desorption.

How is TOF SIMS used in mass spectrometry?

ToF-SIMS is an imaging mass spectrometry (MS) technique that allows us to obtain isotopic, elemental, and molecular information from the surface of solid samples.

What does TOF SIMS stand for in science?

TOF-SIMS is a technique that can observe elemental, inorganic and molecular species present on the outermost surface of a sample, using a very small primary ion beam dose (~1e12 ions/cm 2 or less). It is also quite commonly known as static SIMS because it does not typically induce damage to the sample under investigation.

What kind of particles are used in TOF SIMS?

Details ToF-SIMS uses a focused, pulsed particle beam (typically Cs or Ga) to dislodge chemical species on a materials surface. Particles produced closer to the site of impact tend to be dissociated ions (positive or negative).

What kind of ions are in the ToF-SIMS spectrum?

The organic species observed in a TOF-SIMS spectrum may be intact molecular ions or they may be fragment ions created during the sputtering process by the primary ion beam. The figure below shows the TOF-SIMS spectrum of a common polymer, PET (polyethylene terephthalate, (C 10 H 8 O 4) n ).