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Why had African Americans lost many of the rights gained during Reconstruction by the late 1800s?

Why had African Americans lost many of the rights gained during Reconstruction by the late 1800s?

Why had African Americans lost many of the rights gained during Reconstruction by the late 1800s? They felt it would hinder their goal of attaining African American suffrage. What was the main reason why it was more expensive to operate a school system in the South than in the North?

What were the social and economic consequences for African Americans during the Great Depression?

African-American unemployment rates doubled or tripled those of whites. Prior to the Great Depression, African Americans worked primarily in unskilled jobs. After the stock market crash of 1929, those entry-level, low-paying jobs either disappeared or were filled by whites in need of employment.

How did African American citizens take advantage of their newly granted political rights?

How did African American citizens take advantage of their newly granted political rights and what affect did they have on American politics? Some AA took the roles of school superintendents, sheriffs, mayors, coroners, police chiefs, representatives in state legislatures, and lieutenant governors in the South.

What did slaves get when they were freed?

Freed people widely expected to legally claim 40 acres of land (a quarter-quarter section) and a mule after the end of the war. Some freedmen took advantage of the order and took initiatives to acquire land plots along a strip of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts.

What was Abraham Lincoln’s 10 percent plan?

During the American Civil War in December 1863, Abraham Lincoln offered a model for reinstatement of Southern states called the “10 Percent Plan.” It decreed that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10 percent of the 1860 vote count from that state had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States and …

What was life like during the Great Depression?

The average American family lived by the Depression-era motto: “Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without.” Many tried to keep up appearances and carry on with life as close to normal as possible while they adapted to new economic circumstances. Households embraced a new level of frugality in daily life.

How did the new deal affect African American quizlet?

How did the new deal affect African Americans? Less production of crops, which caused farmers to evict unneeded blacks from their farms. African Americans didn’t receive equal wages.

How did the end of slavery affect the lives of former slaves?

How did the end of slavery affect the lives of the former slaves? freed slaves had few political rights. The only change was that now they were LEGALLY free.

How many slaves got 40 acres and a mule?

The long-term financial implications of this reversal is staggering; by some estimates, the value of 40 acres and mule for those 40,000 freed slaves would be worth $640 billion today.

What the heck is Juneteenth?

The holiday came just three weeks after Floyd’s murder, and as a holiday celebrating the (long-delayed) emancipation of enslaved Black Americans, Juneteenth was taken up as a day to highlight the systemic racism in the U.S. that is a legacy of slavery. The Juneteenth celebrations last year were mixed with protests.

Why was Lincoln’s 10% plan the best?

President Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan had an immediate effect on several states under Union control. His goal of a lenient Reconstruction policy, coupled with a dominate victory in the 1864 Presidential Election, resonated throughout the Confederacy and helped to expedite the conclusion of the war.