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What is trans directing effect?

What is trans directing effect?

In inorganic chemistry, the trans effect is the increased lability of ligands that are trans to certain other ligands, which can thus be regarded as trans-directing ligands. The discovery of the trans effect is attributed to Ilya Ilich Chernyaev, who recognized it and gave it a name in 1926.

Which is strongest trans effect?

This phenomenon is called the trans effect. ✓Chernyaev introduced the trans effect in platinum chemistry. In reactions of square planar Pt(II) compounds, ligands trans to chloride are more easily replaced than those trans to ammonia; chloride has a stronger trans effect than ammonia.

What is trans series?

Trans Directing Series Definition Trans directing series can be explained as the series that consists of ligands or groups having influence over other ligands or groups, which are trans to them. The trans directing effect makes the complex more labile for substitution reactions.

Which theory explains Transeffect?

There are two main theories which can explain the phenomenon of trans effect. According to this theory the polarization (effect of σ-bonding) of a ligand would be directly related to its Trans effect. In case of [Pt(X)4] type complex, the overall dipole generated are zero, hence no trans effect are observed.

What is the difference between trans effect and trans influence?

The key word in that last sentence is “rate”—the trans effect proper is a kinetic effect. The trans influence refers to the impact of a ligand on the length of the bond trans to it in the ground state of a complex.

What is trans effect order?

Quick Reference. An effect in the substitution of inorganic square-planar complexes, in which certain ligands in the original complex are able to direct the incoming ligand into the trans position. The order of ligands in decreasing trans-directing power is:CN− > NO2 > I− > Br− > Cl− > NH3 > H2O.

What causes the trans effect?

1) Trans influence: This is a thermodynamic factor. Some ligands weaken the M-L bond trans to them in the ground state and thus by facilitating the substitution. E.g. Strong σ- donors like H-, I-, Me-, PR3 etc., destabilize the M-L bond trans to themselves and thus by bringing the easy substitution of that ligand.

What are labile complexes?

Lability refers to the ease with which ligands are replaced in coordination complexes. A compound in which metal-ligand bonds are easily broken is referred to as “labile”. A compound in which metal-ligand bonds are more difficult to break is referred to as “inert”.

Who proposed CFT?

CFT was developed by physicists Hans Bethe and John Hasbrouck van Vleck in the 1930s. CFT was subsequently combined with molecular orbital theory to form the more realistic and complex ligand field theory (LFT), which delivers insight into the process of chemical bonding in transition metal complexes.

What are the difference between labile and inert complexes?

The key difference between inert and labile complexes is that inert complexes undergo slow substitution, whereas labile complexes undergo rapid substitution. Labile complexes, on the other hand, are thermodynamically unstable, and they have a very small activation energy barrier.

Which complex is more labile?

Taube observed that many M+1 ions (M = metal) are more labile than many M+3 ions, in general. That isn’t too surprising, since metal ions function as electrophiles or Lewis acids and ligands function as nucleophiles or Lewis bases in forming coordination complexes.

Which is the strongest ligand?

According to this series $CO$ is the strongest ligand among the following because carbon is donor in this, it has double bond $(C = O)$ and is positively charged. Note: The strength of any ligand is determined by the amount of crystal field energy (CFT).

Which is the best description of the trans effect?

Trans effect. Jump to navigation Jump to search. In inorganic chemistry, the trans effect is the labilization (making more reactive) of ligands that are trans to certain other ligands, which can thus be regarded as trans-directing ligands.

Which is the trans directing group in platinum?

‘T’ is the trans directing group and ‘Nu’ is the nucleophilic ligand which preferentially substitutes the ligand ‘X’ which is trans to ligand ‘T’. * The Trans effect was first recognized by Ilya Ilich Chernyaev, a russian chemist in square planar complexes of Platinum (II). * However the Trans effect is also observed in octahedral complexes.

Is the trans effect proper a kinetic effect?

The trans effect proper, which is often called the kinetic trans effect, refers to the observation that certain ligands increase the rate of ligand substitution when positioned trans to the departing ligand. The key word in that last sentence is “rate”—the trans effect proper is a kinetic effect.

Who is the founder of the trans effect?

Some authors prefer the term trans influence to distinguish it from the kinetic effect, while others use more specific terms such as structural trans effect or thermodynamic trans effect. The discovery of the trans effect is attributed to Ilya Ilich Chernyaev, who recognized it and gave it a name in 1926.