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How many times can you submit VSAS?

How many times can you submit VSAS?

Can you submit VSAS multiple times? You can log in to VSAS and create an application once your home institution assigns you VSAS authorizations (typically around 10, but you can request more).

What is VSAS for?

The Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS), now also known as Visiting Student Learning Opportunities, is the service most third-year medical students use to apply to elective rotations for their fourth year.

When can VSAS be submitted?

VSAS opens in February, when you can start uploading documents for the application. Submission dates for programs can vary anywhere from March to June. Stay organized and make sure you designate the correct application materials for your programs of interest.

What is needed for VSAS?

VSAS Application Requirements USMLE Step 1 score or COMLEX score: Submit a scan your score report. Immunization/Health Form: All students applying through VSAS must use the AAMC Standardized Immunization Form. Health Insurance: Submit a scan of the front and back of your insurance card.

Is VSAS first come first serve?

Most programs fill their away rotation spots on a first come first serve basis so having your titers drawn early in the year and having the documentation in place can really give you a leg up.” Do your research & read the instructions!

Can I submit VSAS more than once?

You can log in to VSAS and create an application once your home institution assigns you VSAS authorizations (typically around 10, but you can request more). Host institutions accept applications at different times—typically between March and May of the academic year before you plan to rotate.

Is VSAS competitive?

VSAS stands for Visiting Student Application Service. As Emergency Medicine grows in popularity, there are more students applying to more places, making away rotations very competitive.

Is VSLO the same as VSAS?

New section Institutions that join the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®) program may post elective opportunities in the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS®) and/or allow students to apply for electives posted by other participating institutions.

Are Away rotations competitive?

Typically it’s not that competitive. As was mentioned, some places will screen you out based on step 1 scores or your CV, but it’s usually specialty-specific, not institution-specific. The biggest hassle is doing the paperwork for the application, especially making sure your vaccination records are ready to go.

How competitive are Ortho away rotations?

It also allows you to make a good impression on the staff and see if the program is the type of program you would want to be at. Nearly 60% of students match at a program where they rotated at. Needless to say, the majority of you will be doing away rotations if you want to match into orthopaedic surgery.

How much do away rotations cost?

According to a recent study in the journal BMC Medical Education, the average cost of an away rotation is $958. But in some specialties, such as neurosurgery or radiology, the average cost exceeded $2,500 per rotation. Many students reported spending in excess of $5,000 or even $10,000 on their away rotations.

How many away rotations can you do Ortho?

Many people do their home rotation + 2 or 3 away rotations. People with weaker applications should do more away rotations, because you have a greater chance to match at a place where you rotate.