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Can polyps cause problems during pregnancy?

Can polyps cause problems during pregnancy?

The presence of cervical polyps and/or polypectomy during pregnancy may have markedly increased the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or PTB. It may be preferable not to perform polypectomy on pregnant patients with cervical polyp, particularly with decidual polyps, except for suspected malignancy [14].

Can a cervical polyp burst during pregnancy?

This is normal and no cause for concern. A harmless growth on the cervix, cervical polyps are more likely to bleed during pregnancy as a result of increased estrogen levels and the increased number of blood vessels in the tissue around the cervix.

Do cervix polyps hurt?

Many cervical polyps are asymptomatic causing no symptoms at all. Cervical polyps rarely cause pain. Even though they push through the opening of the cervix they are generally too small and too soft to dilate the cervix and cause pain.

Can cervical polyps cause cramping?

Endometrial polyps may be completely asymptomatic, or can cause symptoms like heavy periods or bleeding between periods; occasionally, large endometrial polyps can cause menstrual-type cramps, since the uterus is naturally designed to expel anything inside of it.

How are cervical polyps treated during pregnancy?

More often during pregnancy a polyp is removed by tying a surgical ligature around the base and cutting it off. Removal of the base is done by electrocautery or laser vaporization.

Can you have a successful pregnancy with a polyp?

In subfertility patients, the diagnosis of endometrial polyps is frequently an incidental finding. The association between endometrial polyps and subfertility is controversial, as many women with polyps have successful pregnancies.

What does cervical polyp bleeding look like?

Symptoms of Cervical Polyps Some polyps bleed between menstrual periods or after intercourse. Rarely, polyps become infected, causing a puslike discharge from the vagina. Polyps are usually reddish pink and less than 1/2 inch (about 1 centimeter) in diameter.

Should I be worried about a polyp on my cervix?

Polyps on the cervix may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, see your gynecologist right away if you experience vaginal discharge of white or yellow mucus, or abnormally heavy periods. You should also call your doctor if you experience vaginal spotting or bleeding: after sexual intercourse.

What does a polyp on the cervix look like?

Cervical polyps are growths that usually appear on the cervix where it opens into the vagina. Polyps are usually cherry-red to reddish-purple or grayish-white. They vary in size and often look like bulbs on thin stems. Cervical polyps are usually not cancerous (benign) and can occur alone or in groups.

How common are polyps on the cervix?

Cervical polyps are common benign growths of the cervix and endocervix. Cervical polyps occur in about 2 to 5% of women. They usually originate in the endocervical canal. Endocervical polyps may be caused by chronic inflammation.

Has anyone got pregnant with polyps?

The association between endometrial polyps and subfertility is controversial, as many women with polyps have successful pregnancies. However, recently there has been an accumulation of publications in the literature, suggesting that the polyps are indeed relevant to fertility and fertility treatment outcome.

How common are cervical polyps during pregnancy?

Cervical polyps are uncommon in pregnancy, and they are usually asymptomatic and small. Some cervical polyps can be misdiagnosed in the early weeks of pregnancy as abnormal vaginal bleeding and can lead to the diagnosis of an inevitable miscarriage.

Can a pregnant woman have a cervical polyp?

The diagnosis of cervical polyps in pregnant women is not uncommon (particularly in women who have already had one child). The spike in estrogen hormones caused by pregnancy is probably a contributory factor. Most times a polyp does not cause symptoms (it is asymptomatic) and the woman does not know it exists.

How long does it take for a polyp of the cervix to heal?

Treatment of cervical polyps. You may feel a brief, mild pain during removal and mild to moderate cramps for a few hours afterward. Spotting of blood from the vagina may occur for one or two days after removal. In some instances, the polyps or the polyp stems are too large to remove in a doctor’s office.

Can a polyp on the cervix cause genital warts?

Most cervical cancers are due to the human papilloma virus ( HPV ), which is also the cause of genital warts. Polyps on the cervix may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, see your gynecologist right away if you experience vaginal discharge of white or yellow mucus, or abnormally heavy periods.

What to do if you have a polyp during pregnancy?

Pregnancy increases blood flow in the cervix and there is a risk of significant bleeding with some types of lesions. Other treatment options include: Electrocoagulation (also called snare polypectomy): A looped wire is placed around the polyp, snaring it.