
Do companions consume ammo Fallout 4?

Do companions consume ammo Fallout 4?

Active companions equipped with any melee weapon (their own or provided by the player character) do not consume any ammo at all. A companion can pick up a weapon and ammo on their own and use it when fighting.

Do you need to give companions ammo?

The companions do not need ammo for their default weapon. But if you give them something else then you need to get them all the ammo. Settlers are different. They only need one piece of ammo for their equipped gun.

What ammo does the minigun in Fallout 4 use?

5mm rounds
Miniguns can be found as mounted door guns on Vertibirds or as a handheld heavy assault and support weapon. It uses 5mm rounds as ammo.

Where do I get minigun ammo Fallout 4?


  • Bought from vendors, from level 24 on the amount increases drastically.
  • Found in various military outposts and checkpoints.
  • Ack-Ack in USAF Satellite Station Olivia carries a minigun with approximately 600 rounds.

Do companions use your ammo outer worlds?

Companions always have unlimited ammo and can use any weapon equally. Give them the highest DPS weapon you aren’t using. You can change their behavior to Ranged, Melee or both. Their gear also doesn’t break down.

Do companions count settlers?

Companions count as settlers, some of them will sleep in beds same as settlers do.

Can I make bullets in Fallout 4?

Building an Ammunition Plant in Fallout 4 will allow players to start producing their own bullets, rather than scavenging for it in the Commonwealth. Since building an actual factory is quite similar to any other building in the game (the machinery just goes inside of it), we’re going to stick to the Ammunition Plant.

Can you get more alien blaster ammo in Fallout 4?

Locations. A random amount of rounds found on the alien in the cave near the UFO crash site, plus whatever is in the magazine. Up to 110 rounds can be gained as a reward for completing the quest Trip to the Stars. Can be looted from the aliens in the quest Over the Moon.

Who are the best companions in outer worlds?

The Outer Worlds: 6 Best Companions, Ranked

  • 6 SAM.
  • 5 Ellie.
  • 4 Felix.
  • 3 Nyoka.
  • 2 Vicar Max.
  • 1 Parvati.

Does outer worlds have friendly fire?

Nope. All NPCs are actually just potential victims.

How does a companion get real ammo in Fallout 4?

The only way for a companion to spend “real” ammo is when all three of the following conditions are met: The companion has a weapon equipped in their inventory (a weapon that can be seen equipped in their inventory when trading with them).

Where can you find a minigun in Fallout 4?

The minigun is a motorized Gatling-style rapid fire weapon commonly employed by the military, or other lesser factions that managed to acquire such a weapon. Miniguns can be found as mounted door guns on Vertibirds or as a handheld heavy assault and support weapon. It uses 5mm rounds as ammo. Platinum Collection Build Your Own Bundle.

Do you need ammo for a gun in Fallout 4?

Settlers need ammo in their inventory to use a gun, but you have to give it to him, select it and press t for equip. But he will have infinite ammo. Companions howerever need guns and the ammo they fire in constant supply, unless you use mods. Companions need ammo and will use it up while they are with you.

What kind of ammo does the companion have?

The companion has a weapon equipped in their inventory (a weapon that can be seen equipped in their inventory when trading with them). The companion has at least 1 (one) ammo that can be seen when trading with them used by the type of weapon equipped.