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How do I convert coordinates to Mercator?

How do I convert coordinates to Mercator?

How to convert coordinates from LAT LONG to MERCATOR

  1. Select input\output spatial references.
  2. Input coordinates using decimal format.
  3. Click on ‘Transform’ button to convert coordinates.
  4. Your coordinates will be converted using the output spatial reference.

How do you convert XY coordinates to latitude and longitude?

This value is the scientifically derived value for radius of the earth. Calculate latitude and longitude using the formula: latitude = asin (z/R) and longitude = atan2 (y,x). In this formula, we have the values of x, y, z and R from step 2.

How do I find my coordinates online?

Get the coordinates of a place

  1. On your computer, open Google Maps.
  2. Right-click the place or area on the map.
  3. To copy the coordinates automatically, select the latitude and longitude.

How do you convert geographic coordinates to projected coordinates?

Change a Coordinate System in a Map Layer

  1. Open ArcToolbox.
  2. Open Data Management Tools → Projections and Transformations → Feature → Project.
  3. Choose the Projected Coordinate System folder or the Geographic Coodinate System folder, depending upon the Coordinate Systems of your other files and how you want to match them.

How do you calculate UTM coordinates?

Here’s How:

  1. UTM zones are all 6 degrees wide and increase from west to east starting at the -180 degree mark.
  2. Calculate the eastern boundary of any UTM zone by multiplying the zone number by 6 and substract 180.
  3. Subtract 6 degrees to obtain the western boundary.

Is northing latitude or longitude?

After transformation Latitude is denoted by Y (northing) and Longitude by X (Easting). The most common units of measure in projected coordinate systems are meters and feet.

What is UTM XY coordinates?

The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system divides the world into sixty north-south zones, each 6 degrees of longitude wide. Within each zone, coordinates are measured as northings and eastings in meters. The northing values are measured from zero at the equator in a northerly direction.

How do I look up coordinates?

You can also find the coordinates of the places you previously found….Get the coordinates of a place

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Touch and hold an area of the map that isn’t labeled to drop a red pin.
  3. In the search box, you can find the coordinates.

How coordinates are written?

Write the latitude and longitude coordinates. When writing latitude and longitude, write latitude first, followed by a comma, and then longitude. For example, the above lines of latitude and longitude would be written as “15°N, 30°E.”

What are the two types of coordinates?

Types of Coordinate Systems – Cartesian & Polar Coordinate Systems.

What is the difference between WGS and UTM?

The difference is that WGS 84 is a geographic coordinate system, and UTM is a projected coordinate system. Geographic coordinate systems are based on a spheroid and utilize angular units (degrees).

How do you calculate UTM longitude and latitude?

How to Calculate the Boundaries of an UTM Zone

  1. UTM zones are all 6 degrees wide and increase from west to east starting at the -180 degree mark.
  2. Calculate the eastern boundary of any UTM zone by multiplying the zone number by 6 and substract 180.
  3. Subtract 6 degrees to obtain the western boundary.

How to convert Mercator coordinates to WGS84 coordinates?

To get MERCATOR to WGS84, input coordinates in MERCATOR format into the fields, then click the Transform button. Watch your MERCATOR turn into WGS84 within a minute. This free online Transformation application is provided by Aspose.Gis. We enable you to access & manipulate geographic information from vector-based geospatial data formats.

What can I do with a coordinate converter?

A coordinate converter allows performing conversion between different geodetic systems and most used projections, for example, converting GPS coordinates (WGS84) to Lambert, UTM, Mercator, RGF93, NAD83, NAD27… (Other datums and projections will be added following the request of the visitors).

How to convert GPS coordinates to UTM coordinates?

Instructions: 1 For GPS coordinates, select the WGS84 system; for example, to convert coordinates GPS in UTM Zone 10N coordinates,… 2 To convert the angle unit of geographical coordinates Latitude-longitude (degree, minute seconds (dms), grad, radians),… More

What is the NGS coordinate conversion and transformation tool?

NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT) NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT) Single Point Conversion Multipoint Conversion Web services