Users' questions

How do I do weighting in Stata?

How do I do weighting in Stata?

The probability weight, called a pweight in Stata, is calculated as N/n, where N = the number of elements in the population and n = the number of elements in the sample. For example, if a population has 10 elements and 3 are sampled at random with replacement, then the probability weight would be 10/3 = 3.33.

What is Iweight Stata?

These four weights are frequency weights ( fweight or frequency ), analytic weights ( aweight or cellsize ), sampling weights ( pweight ), and importance weights ( iweight ). Basically, by adding a frequency weight, you are telling Stata that a single line represents observations for multiple people.

What is SVY Stata?

Description. svy fits statistical models for complex survey data by adjusting the results of a command for survey settings identified by svyset. Any Stata estimation command listed in [SVY] svy estimation may be used with svy.

Should I weight my data?

When data must be weighted, weight by as few variables as possible. A general rule of thumb is never to weight a respondent less than . 5 (a 50% weighting) nor more than 2.0 (a 200% weighting). Keep in mind that up-weighting data (weight › 1.0) is typically more dangerous than down-weighting data (weight ‹ 1.0).

What are importance weights Stata?

importance weights – Importance weights are just what you think they should be – they are weights that indicate how “important” a case is. There is no standard way of calculating this type of weight.

What is FPC Stata?

FPC: This is the finite population correction. This is used when the sampling fraction (the number of elements or respondents sampled relative to the population) becomes large. The FPC is used in the calculation of the standard error of the estimate.

What is primary sampling unit?

DEFINITION: Primary sampling unit refers to Sampling units that are selected in the first (primary) stage of a multi-stage sample ultimately aimed at selecting individual elements. In selecting a sample, one may choose elements directly; in such a design, the elements are the only Sampling units.

When should you not weight?

When data must be weighted, try to minimize the sizes of the weights. A general rule of thumb is never to weight a respondent less than . 5 (a 50% weighting) nor more than 2.0 (a 200% weighting). Keep in mind that up-weighting data (weight › 1.0) is typically more dangerous than down-weighting data (weight ‹ 1.0).

What does it mean to weight a survey?

Introduction. In survey sampling, weighting is one of the critical steps. For a given sample survey, to each unit of the selected sample is attached a weight (also called an estimation weight) that is used to obtain estimates of population parameters of interest, such as the average income of a certain population.

What is weighted mean and standard deviation?

The standard deviation is an indicator of how widely values in a group differ from the mean (see StDev (Standard Deviation of a Sample)). A weighted standard deviation allows you to apply a weight, or relative significance to each value in a set of values.

Are there weights with table and tabulate Stata?

One interpretation — that taken by -table- — is that the weights are irrelevant. -table- will count for you, but the weights don’t enter into _counting_. And in many contexts, we do want the raw frequencies, unweighted, and also other statistics weighted by something.

How to get summary statistics in STATA for students?

This tells us that in the GSS sample, 110 of the respondents are male (43.31%) and 144 of the respondents are female (56.69%), for a total of 254 respondents. The summarize command, or just sum, creates tables of summary statistics. To have it give you summary statistics for a single variable, simply tell it which variable you want it to act on:

What do weights sound like in tabulate command?

Your weights sound like analytic weights. . by country: tab illness [aw=weight01] With -summarize- weights are assumed to be analytic weights unless otherwise indicated. Nick [email protected] A Castelli > Sent: 18 March 2004 15:57 > > I have a very simple query.

Can you use weights with table and tabulate?

Friedrich Huebler > > I have two questions on the use of weights with -table- and > -tabulate-. > > (1) Can the frequencies be rounded when -tabulate- is used with > weights.