Helpful tips

How do I find the origin of a name?

How do I find the origin of a name?

You can find the origin of your surname by determining if it is patronymic or matronymic, derived from a father’s or mother’s name. It can also be occupational, based on what your ancestors did for a living, or geographic, based on where your ancestors lived.

What is a common Chinese last name?

A report in 2019 gives the most common Chinese surnames as Wang and Li, each shared by over 100 million people in China, with Zhang, Liu, Chen, Yang, Huang, Zhao, Wu and Zhou making up the rest of the ten most common Chinese names.

How do you know what country your ancestors are from?

If your ancestor immigrated to the United States, databases at the National Archives, Ancestry, and FamilySearch should be searched, among others. For other countries, a google search of your ancestor’s original country and “immigration,” should help you find great resources.

How can I find my family tree without paying?

To use:

  1. Go to and create a free online account.
  2. Click the Family Tree icon.
  3. Enter the information you have gathered about your own family history.
  4. Add photographs, dates, and other pertinent information.
  5. Search other family trees to expand your own pedigree chart.

Does your last name determine your heritage?

You might be surprised by what your surname can reveal about your family’s origins. Surnames provide an enormous amount of information and are fundamental in family research. Not only do they reveal the identities of your ancestors, but can also tell you details about their lives.

What is the origin of my last name free?

English (chiefly East Anglia): nickname or status name from Old English freo ‘free(-born)’, i.e. not a serf. North German: topographic or habitational name from a place named Frede or Frede(n). North German: nickname from a variant of Middle Low German wred ‘crooked’.

What is the oldest known last name?

The oldest surname in the world is KATZ (the initials of the two words – Kohen Tsedek). Every Katz is a priest, descending in an unbroken line from Aaron the brother of Moses, 1300 B.C.

What is the rarest Chinese last name?

Then, with the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, the concept of having a family name came into being. The rarest Chinese last name to make to this list of ‘top 100’ seems to be ‘通过 Tōngguò’ meaning ‘by’ if you go by the usage statistic.

Do you call a Chinese person by their first or last name?

The Chinese will state their last name first, followed by the given name (may be one or two syllables). For example, Liu Jianguo, in Chinese would be Mr. Jianguo Liu using the Western style. Never call someone by only his or her last name.