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How do I fix HTTP Status 404 not found?

How do I fix HTTP Status 404 not found?

How to Fix the 404 Not Found Error

  1. Retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking/tapping the refresh/reload button, or trying the URL from the address bar again.
  2. Check for errors in the URL.
  3. Move up one directory level at a time in the URL until you find something.
  4. Search for the page from a popular search engine.

Why does my computer keep saying 404 not found?

A 404 error is often returned when pages have been moved or deleted. 404 errors should not be confused with DNS errors, which appear when the given URL refers to a server name that does not exist. A 404 error indicates that the server itself was found, but that the server was not able to retrieve the requested page.

How do I fix Error 404 Forbidden on Chrome?

You can also try to flush your DNS instead of changing your DNS server to resolve the error. Flushing deletes the DNS cache which then forces a new DNS lookup. If the website or page in question was recently moved to another IP address, then flushing the DNS should resolve the 404 error.

What is error code 404 Not Found?

The HTTP 404 Not Found client error response code indicates that the server can’t find the requested resource. Links that lead to a 404 page are often called broken or dead links and can be subject to link rot.

What does 404 not found mean and how do you fix it?

Press F5 to refresh the URL. An error may have occurred if the page wasn’t loaded correctly. 2) Clear the browser cache and delete cookies. If you are able to connect to the site via another device such as your mobile phone, clearing the cache and clearing cookies should easily solve the problem.

How do I test a 404 error?

3 Tips to Effectively Test Your 404 Error Page

  1. Give your participants a context before sending them to the error page.
  2. Don’t tell your participants you’re running a 404 error test.
  3. Ask participants what they want to see.

How do I fix REST API 404?

You fix this by opening the listen step in your VSM file, and changing the base path in there, so you don’t get a 404 error. You could change that to “/api/” so any api requests are dealt-with, or “/api/retrieveId/” so only retrieveId messages are dealt-with, or “/” so all requests are dealt-with.

Where can I find 404 error?

To find the list of all 404 pages, you can log in to the Google search console account and click on Crawl errors under diagnostics. Click on not found, and you will see a list of all the links resulting in the 404 error. Click on any URL, and you will find all the pages where the broken link is linked.

How do I fix URL errors?


  1. Mark all crawl errors as fixed.
  2. Go back to your report once a week.
  3. Fix 404 errors by redirecting false URLs or changing your internal links and sitemap entries.
  4. Try to avoid server errors and ask your developer and server host for help.
  5. Deal with the other types of errors and use Google’s resources for help.

How do I fix soft 404 errors?

How to fix soft 404 errors

  1. Check that the page is indeed a soft 404 or a false alarm.
  2. Configure your server to return the proper not found error code (404/410)
  3. Improve the page and request indexing.
  4. Redirect the page using a 301 redirection.
  5. Keep the page on your site but de-index it from search engines.

Why do we get 404 error in API?

As mentioned, a 404 Not Found Error indicates that the client (web browser) is receiving a message from the server (remote computer) that the specific resource (web page/URL) is unavailable. In such cases, the server returns a standard 200 OK response code, which normally indicates the resource loaded as expected.

When should rest API return 404?

404 (Not Found) must be used when a client’s URI cannot be mapped to a resource. The 404 error status code indicates that the REST API can’t map the client’s URI to a resource.