
How do I reference the COPM?

How do I reference the COPM?

The Canadian Model of Human Occupation (CMOP) and its assessment instrument (COPM) [German]. Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation, 42(8), 17–21.

What is the COPM assessment?

The COPM is an outcome measure designed for use by occupational therapists to assess client outcomes in the areas of self-care, productivity and leisure. Using a semi-structured interview, the COPM is a five step process which measures individual, client-identified problem areas in daily function.

What do COPM scores mean?

The COPM is a client-centred, occupation-focused outcome measure. The COPM measures client-perceived changes in occupational performance over time. The COPM results in two main scores — PERFORMANCE and SATISFACTION — each out of 10.

What ages is the COPM used for?

The COPM assessment can be used with people of any age, and with cerebral palsy of any severity. For children under eight-years-old and those with communication difficulties or intellectual disability, family members or carers may need to complete the COPM.

What is AMP OT?

The AMPS (Assessment of Motor and Process Skills) measures a person’s performance capacity for activities of daily living (ADL) and/or independent living. It is used to determine a person’s need for Occupational Therapy services, Homemaking and Personal Care services.

Is the COPM a Moho assessment?

I was considering the use of the MOHOST, OCAIRS and modified COPM (which is not a MOHO assessment but for the last two points of the purpose of this assessment). We are also hoping to measure change so ideally the assessment will include an outcome measure as well.

When would you use the COPM?

The COPM has been used successfully with children as young as eight years old. If it is not possible to use the measure with a client, then look to alternatives. In these situations, it is important to determine the following: Who is the client?

How reliable is the COPM?

The psychometric properties of the COPM have been widely tested. In a literature review including 19 methodological studies conducted on various target groups, the authors conclude that the COPM is a valid, reliable (test–retest), responsive, and feasible instrument.

Does the COPM require training?

As with any measurement tool, it is important that the therapist has the specific training necessary to administer the COPM in a reliable and valid manner. Learning resources are being developed to assist in this process.

What are the limitations of the COPM?

The COPM also enables therapists to concentrate on patients’ perceptions and to develop effective intervention strategies. However, the COPM has some drawbacks; for instance, it is not suitable for patients with stroke who exhibit cognitive deficits, and the goals set during a COPM interview may not be achievable.

How long does an AMPS assessment take?

30-40 minutes
More. The AMPS takes 30-40 minutes to administer.

How does the occupational performance measure ( COPM ) work?

The COPM assesses an individual’s perceived occupational performance in the areas of self-care, productivity, and leisure. The assessment involves a 5-step process nested within a semi-structured interview, typically conducted by an Occupational Therapist.

What is the purpose of the COPM assessment?

The COPM assessment focuses on measuring a mismatch between a person’s abilities and the demands of a task leading to functional impairment. (Macedo et al, 2009)

How does a therapist calculate a COPM score?

In step four, the client is asked to use a 10 point scale to rate their own level of performance and satisfaction with performance for each of the five identified problems. The therapist calculates an average COPM performance score and satisfaction score.

What do you need to know about the COPM?

The COPM measures performance and satisfaction in self-care, productivity and leisure from the client’s perspective. Learn More A comprehensive online course designed for new users of the COPM as well as those who wish to refresh their knowledge. You can purchase the English version of the manual and measure in digital PDF and paper formats.