Helpful tips

How do you care for aeonium decorum?

How do you care for aeonium decorum?

Aeoniums may go dormant in summer and do not require any water, except in excessively dry conditions. When in growth water moderately and feed every two or three weeks with a balanced liquid feed. During the winter months, restrict water to just enough to keep the foliage from shriveling.

Do Aeoniums like sun or shade?

Aeoniums can be grown outdoors in zones 9 to 11 and, although they will tolerate partial shade, need at least six hours of full sun a day to develop their leaf colors. Indoors in pots Aeoniums need bright sunlight and moisture and do best in shallow containers.

What’s wrong with my aeonium?

Aeoniums tend to drop or shed old leaves more so than other succulent plants. These leaves often appear wilted, dried up and sometimes droopy. If the leaves don’t fall off on their own, they will appear droopy, some dried up and brown, on the bottom of the plant.

How do I know when my aeonium needs water?

Aeoniums do like a little more moisture than other succulents, but you still can’t go crazy with the watering can! You should only water your Aeoniums when the top layer of soil feels pretty dry. You’ll probably end up watering them about once a week.

Do aeoniums multiply?

A unique feature of aeoniums is the way they grow and branch out. They reproduce and form offsets from a single flowerhead. New offsets emerge and branch out from a single flowerhead which then dies after producing several offsets. The death of one flowerhead goes unnoticed because of the many offsets it produces.

How often should you water an aeonium?

Place the pot in bright indirect light and water it lightly once each week. Once the plant has developed strong roots, allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out before watering.

How do you make an aeonium bushy?

How to Force Your Aeonium to Branch Out

  1. You will need some nice clean shears to cut right on the stem. You’ll be cutting the stem of your Aeonium.
  2. For a taller plant, you will want to cut more. You may cut up to 6 inches. For smaller plants, you may only need to cut the stem down to as small as half of an inch.

Do Aeoniums multiply?

Why is my aeonium turning black?

Black leaves on succulents are often a sign of overwatering. If the leaves are turning black, that means the succulent is rotting from the root up due to too much water. Usually the leaves will also feel soft and mushy. Succulents need a well draining soil to prevent root rot.

Can you take cuttings from a aeonium?

You can propagate aeoniums easily by taking cuttings, which should root in a few weeks. Take cuttings in spring. Select young, slender shoots as propagation material. These will root more easily and have more vigour than older, thicker shoots.

Do aeoniums like humidity?

Temperature and Humidity Growing aeoniums in moist and shaded soil will keep them growing in high heat, but their true growth season is winter to spring, when temperatures are cool (65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit) and damp.

Are aeonium Hardy?

Aeoniums are hardy plants and can withstand cold. They grow best in full sun to partial shade. Aeoniums go dormant in really hot and dry weather conditions.