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How do you make a slogan?

How do you make a slogan?

How to Create a Slogan

  1. Decide what you want to say. Answer a few basic questions about what you want to accomplish with your slogan.
  2. Keep it simple. You might have a lot you want to say about your business, but it’s best to keep your message clear and concise.
  3. Establish your company’s voice.
  4. Brainstorm your slogan.

How can we stop corruption?

Report corruption

  1. expose corrupt activities and risks that may otherwise remain hidden.
  2. keep the public sector honest, transparent and accountable.
  3. helps stop dishonest practices.
  4. ensure that public sector employees act in the public interest.

What are the causes of corruption?


  • Greed of money, desires.
  • Higher levels of market and political monopolization.
  • Low levels of democracy, weak civil participation and low political transparency.
  • Higher levels of bureaucracy and inefficient administrative structures.
  • Low press freedom.
  • Low economic freedom.

How is corruption a social problem?

It is taken as a social problem due to the following reasons: Corruption slows down the development activities. It discourages the spirit of skilled and honest citizen. Corruption effects the fair distribution of resources and opportunities negatively.

What is a slogan example?

Other examples of a slogan in just two/three words include:

  • “Finger-Lickin’ Good”
  • “I’m Lovin’ It”
  • “Imagination at Work”
  • “They’re GRRR-EAT”
  • “Think Different”
  • “Just Do It”
  • “Diamonds Are Forever”

What is corruption essay in English?

Corruption Essay: A form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a power of authority is known as corruption. Corruption is practiced to abuse power for one’s gain or to acquire illicit benefit. Corruption may include many activities, such as embezzlement or bribery.

How does corruption affect a country?

Corruption affects us all It threatens sustainable economic development, ethical values and justice; it destabilises our society and endangers the rule of law. Delays in infrastructure development, poor building quality and layers of additional costs are all consequences of corruption.

What are three causes of corruption?

Main causes for corruption are according to the studies (1) the size and structure of governments, (2) the democracy and the political system, (3) the quality of institutions, (4) economic freedom/ openness of economy, (5) salaries of civil service, (6) press freedom and judiciary, (7) cultural determinants, (8) …

What are some examples of corruption?

Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.

What is a famous slogan?

Best Company Slogans

  • “Just Do It” – Nike.
  • “Think Different” – Apple.
  • “Where’s the Beef?” – Wendy’s.
  • “Open Happiness” – Coca-Cola.
  • “Because You’re Worth It” – L’Oreal.
  • “Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands” – M&Ms.
  • “A Diamond is Forever” – De Beers.
  • “The Breakfast of Champions” – Wheaties.

What is a catchy tagline?

A tagline is a catchy quip that evokes an image of your brand in the minds of your customers. Taglines enable people to make lighthearted associations with your business: “When I see [tagline], I think [company].”

Which is the best slogan for corruption in English?

SLOGANS ON CORRUPTION:- Corruption is a greedy and unethical behavior performed by a person to fulfill his/her wishes. Corrupted people take the wrong benefits of their position, power or authority for their personal benefits.

Why is December 9th an Anti Corruption Day?

The world celebrates December 9th as Anti-Corruption Day because corruption is a crime that is a threat to the development across all the societies. Celebrate this day by sharing slogans on corruption and motivating taglines with images. Make an impact with thoughtful anti- corruption slogans, slogans on corruption photos to share.

Which is the best definition of the word corruption?

Corruption is a greedy and unethical behavior performed by a person to fulfill his/her wishes. Corrupted people take wrong benefits of their position, power or authority for their personal benefits.

How does corruption affect the lives of people?

Corrupted people take wrong benefits of their position, power or authority for their personal benefits. It involves many activities (bribery, fraud, theft, blackmail, etc) that generally affect common people’s growth and development and thus whole country’s economy.