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How do you search for a literature review?

How do you search for a literature review?

Where to search when doing a literature reviewStart with research databases. Scopus and Web of Science are good databases to start with for any research topic and literature review. Focus your search with specific databases. Select two or three discipline/specialist databases to conduct your search for comprehensive results. Find books, theses and more.

How do you start a literature search?

Literature Search: Process FlowDevelop a research question in a specific subject area.Make a list of relevant databases and texts you will search.Make a list of relevant keywords and phrases.Start searching and make notes from each database to keep track of your search.

How do you find keywords for a systematic review?

Identifying keywords There are many ways to locate these terms, including background reading, dictionaries, regular and database thesauri or subject headings and text mining tools. The process of searching will also help identify more terms.

How do you carry out a literature search for a systematic review?

Go through your research question carefully and identify main elements which will help you choose your keywords effectively. Choose as many relevant databases as you can for your search. Your librarian may be able to help you with this. Use advanced search options such as Boolean operators, truncation symbols, etc.

How do you develop a search strategy for a systematic review?

CREATING A SYSTEMATIC SEARCH STRATEGYDetermine a clear and focused question.Describe the articles that can answer the question.Decide which key concepts address the different elements of the question.Decide which elements should be used for the best results.Choose an appropriate database and interface to start with.

What are search strategies?

A search strategy is an organised structure of key terms used to search a database. The search strategy combines the key concepts of your search question in order to retrieve accurate results. Your search strategy will account for all: possible search terms. keywords and phrases.

What are the 3 steps to creating a search strategy?

Step 1: Formulate questions about your topic.Step 2: List possible sources of information.Step 3: Brainstorm possible media elements.Step 4: Identify keywords.Step 5: Begin your search.Tip: Choose a subject from the Recommended Web Sites section of this tutorial to help you generate more ideas for research topics.

How do you present a search strategy?

To develop a search strategy you will need to:define and write down your research question – what is it that you are going to research?identify, and keep a record of key words, terms and phrases. identify keyword synonyms, use database Thesauri or Subject Headings;determine a timeframe from your research, if needed.