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How long is a degree at Unisa?

How long is a degree at Unisa?

6 years to complete a 240-credit qualification (2-year advanced certificate or diploma) 8 years to complete a 360-credit qualification (3-year degree or diploma) 10 years to complete a 480-credit qualification (4-year degree)

Does Unisa offer bridging courses?

Unisa Bridging courses are the University-Preparation courses which has an academic curriculum that is been offered to mature Unisa students as a means of preparing them for the 2021-2022 academic year intellectual challenges of a University education, successful completion which is recognized as a basis of admission …

How long is LLM at Unisa?

three years
Time limits for this degree A student registered for a 180-credit structured research master’s degree must complete the study programme within three years. A student may make application to the Registrar for one additional year of study.

Can you double major at Unisa?

UniSA offers some double degrees where you can apply directly to complete two degrees at the same time. You can combine two business-related degrees, or you can also fast track your way to a Master’s degree, with our 3+1 Bachelor/Master packaged degrees. …

Do Unisa students get monthly allowance?

Unisa students who are funded through NSFAS only receive a Learning Materials Allowance and Living Allowance. Unisa students who are registered for ten modules or more are also allocated an incidental allowance of R290 per month from February to November each year.

How many modules can you fail in first year Unisa?

How Many Modules Can You Fail in First-Year Unisa? For example, in your first year of study, you pass one module of 12 credits during the first semester and two modules of 12 credits each during the second semester. This means that you have completed 36 credits for the year and may re-register.

How much does bridging course cost at Unisa?

UNISA Bridging Courses Application Then you need to pay a non-refundable application fee. The fees are exactly R105 for online applications and R160 for hard copy applications. You will be provided with payment details with the physical forms. Online applicants will also be provided with payment instructions online.

Does Nsfas fund bridging courses at Unisa?

NSFAS only funded the first qualification at a higher education institution, so second qualifications and bridging courses were not covered.

How much does it cost to study Masters at Unisa?

Prescribed fees per subject group

Description Semester Total
Paper Year R4,670.00
Research proposal module / short dissertation Year R4,670.00
Dissertation of limited scope Year R8,894.00
Dissertation master’s degree Year R15,344.00

How much is a PHD at Unisa?

Doctoral students pay approximately R8 894 and R18 071. Remember that you have to register and pay every year until you have completed your studies. GSBL (MBA, MBL and DBL) students should contact the GSBL directly ([email protected]), as they make use of a different fee structure.

Does NSFAS fund bridging courses at Unisa?

Which courses are still available at Unisa for 2022?

Unisa Available Courses 2022-2023

  • Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences (98201)
  • Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (90098)
  • Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577)
  • Higher Certificate in Banking (98225)
  • Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (90006)

How long does it take to get a BProc degree?

The BProc remained a four-year degree, irrespective of whether you obtained any other degree, for example, a BSc, BA or BCom, provided that the BA or BCom were not taken with law subjects. On the other hand, with these degrees as predecessors, an LLB degree could be obtained within three years.

Can you get into UNISA with a lower level qualification?

Please note that completion of a lower-level qualification, such as a higher certificate, is not a guarantee that you will be admitted to the higher-level qualification (eg diploma or bachelor degree), as spaces are limited. Please also note that Unisa is awaiting NQF qualification registration for some accredited programmes.

How many hours are required for UniSA distance school?

For the UNISA distance School a minimum of 50% per summative assessment and 130 hours of “participation” is required to complete the programme successfully.

When do you have to register with UNISA?

Applicants may only register once they have received confirmation from Unisa that their application for admission has been accepted. Unisa reserves the right to not process and / or to cancel your registration if it is found that you were incorrectly admitted to a qualification. Admission to the alternative qualification is not automatic.