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How many references should a paper have?

How many references should a paper have?

Answer: Regarding the number of reference citations, there is no specific number or range that is considered as normal or standard. You should cite just about enough sources that are required for your paper. The number of references you will use depends on how much literature exists on the topic.

How many references do I need for a 10000 word dissertation?

Originally Answered: How many references do I need for a 10,000 word dissertation? As many as you need to support the claims not following from your own work. But as a rule of thumb, 100 references would not be considered a lot, more like just sufficient.

Can you write 2000 words in an hour?

As long as you do necessary pre-writing, it should only take an hour-and-a-half to write 2,000 words. But you should spend an extra half-hour editing it.

Can you write 3000 words in 3 hours?

All you need is a will and a constant supply of coffee. But seriously, 3000 words can be a challenge depending on a lot of factors. For context, a 3000-word essay is around ten pages. A skilled writer with vast experience in academic writing can complete 3000 words within 3-5 hours.