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What are some examples of rigorous?

What are some examples of rigorous?

Rigorous is defined as something that is harsh or very strict. An example of a rigorous place is the cold of Antarctica. An example of a rigorous law is a zero tolerance law on selling drugs. The definition of rigorous is something that is painfully exact or precise.

How do you use rigorous?

Rigorous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. To gain entry into any Special Forces unit in the military, you must push through rigorous testing.
  2. Unless you get a truly rigorous workout, you should not expect to see any results.
  3. With rigorous commitment to his studies, the student was able to pass with an A.

What does the word rigorous?

1 : manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigor : very strict. 2a : marked by extremes of temperature or climate. b : harsh, severe. 3 : scrupulously accurate : precise. Other Words from rigorous Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More About rigorous.

What is an example of a can sentence?

“My daughter can drive a car.” “John can speak several different languages.” “I can do it by myself.”

Can people be rigorous?

If someone is rigorous in the way that they do something, they are very careful and thorough. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure.

Does rigorous Mean Tough?

Frequently Asked Questions About rigorous Some common synonyms of rigorous are rigid, strict, and stringent. While all these words mean “extremely severe or stern,” rigorous implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty.

What is the difference between vigorous and rigorous?

Key Difference: Rigorous is defined as adhering to a way of doing something in a strict or inflexible manner. Rigorous also denotes thorough or accurate way, whereas vigorous defines the energetic attribute, it means lively and strength of body or mind. In simple words, the meaning of rigorous is to act with rigor.

What does it mean to have a rigorous schedule?

Harsh, severe, or demanding: a rigorous taskmaster; a rigorous schedule. b. Very unpleasant or inclement: a rigorous climate. 3.

Does rigorous mean hard?

Some common synonyms of rigorous are rigid, strict, and stringent. While all these words mean “extremely severe or stern,” rigorous implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty.

Will and would sentences examples?

Firstly, the word would is the past tense form of the word will.

  • Jack said he would finish the work the next day.
  • Ann said she would write us soon.
  • He hoped she would come.

Can and could sentence examples?

I can’t breathe. We use could and couldn’t to talk about the past: She could speak several languages. They couldn’t dance very well.

What is a rigorous person?

If someone is rigorous in the way that they do something, they are very careful and thorough. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure. Synonyms: thorough, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous More Synonyms of rigorous.

Which is an example of rigorous in a sentence?

Examples of Rigorous in a sentence To gain entry into any Special Forces unit in the military, you must push through rigorous testing. 🔊 Unless you get a truly rigorous workout, you should not expect to see any results. 🔊 With rigorous commitment to his studies, the student was able to pass with an A. 🔊

Which is a prerequisite of a rigorous design?

Using only the most rigorous design, on the other hand, ignores the probative importance of replication and corroboration that multiple studies afford. One prerequisite is a rigorous evaluation of the new drugs’ quality, efficacy, and safety.

Which is more rigorous Gymnasien or Abitur?

The Gymnasien were raised above all other schools, and the Abitur, which qualified for university admission, was made more rigorous. He applied sandal paste on his forehead and wore the sacred thread across his body and was rigorousin the ablutions before prayers.