
What are the first signs of a cataract?

What are the first signs of a cataract?

Signs and symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Clouded, blurred or dim vision.
  • Increasing difficulty with vision at night.
  • Sensitivity to light and glare.
  • Need for brighter light for reading and other activities.
  • Seeing “halos” around lights.
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription.
  • Fading or yellowing of colors.

What is vision like with cataracts?

Cataract Symptom: Blurry Vision Blurry vision at any distance is the most common symptom of cataracts. Your view may look foggy, filmy, or cloudy. Over time, as the cataracts get worse, less light reaches the retina. People with cataracts may have an especially hard time seeing and driving at night.

What does vision look like with early cataracts?

The symptoms of early-stage cataracts include mild eye blurriness and cloudiness, early sensitivity to light and glare, and an ever-increasing eye strain. Sudden headaches, seeing flashes of lights, sudden vision changes, and double vision could also be symptoms of early to immature stages of cataracts.

How do you check for cataracts?


  1. Visual acuity test. A visual acuity test uses an eye chart to measure how well you can read a series of letters.
  2. Slit-lamp examination. A slit lamp allows your eye doctor to see the structures at the front of your eye under magnification.
  3. Retinal exam.
  4. Applanation tonometry.

What age do cataracts usually start?

Cataracts typically begin developing in people age 40 years and older but don’t usually begin to impair vision until after age 60. However, younger people can develop cataracts, too.

What will happen if cataract is left untreated?

Over time, cataracts become worse and start to interfere with vision. Important skills can be affected, such as driving, and loss of vision can affect the overall quality of life in many ways including reading, working, hobbies and sports. If left untreated, cataracts will eventually cause total blindness.

Does cataract surgery restore 20/20 Vision?

Vision Quality After Surgery Most patients can achieve 20/20 vision as long as they have no other conditions. Conditions that can affect the quality of vision after cataract surgery include: Glaucoma. Corneal scarring.

What is average age for cataract surgery?

In most people, cataracts start developing around age 60, and the average age for cataract surgery in the United States is 73. However, changes in the lenses of our eyes start to affect us in our 40’s.

What happens if cataracts are left untreated?

If left untreated, cataracts will eventually cause total blindness. The good news is that cataracts can be easily treated. The primary treatment for cataracts is surgery to remove and replace the cloudy lens. Cataract surgery is a simple procedure that typically takes just about 15 minutes to complete.

At what stage should cataracts be removed?

In most cases, you need surgery when blurry vision and other symptoms of a cataract starts to interfere with daily activities like reading or driving. There is no drug or eye drop to prevent or treat cataracts. Removing them is the only treatment.

Can a cataract go away on its own?

While some cataracts may stop progressing, they will never go away on their own. In many patients, they will continue to grow and can cause blindness. While cataracts aren’t reversible, some surgeries can remove them and place an intraocular lens in its place to improve vision for patients in San Antonio, TX.

Are you sitting or lying down during cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is usually done in the day care unit at the London Clinic, opposite Clinica London. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning that you go into the hospital for only an hour or so and are sitting in a comfortable reclining chair while you wait to go into the operating theatre.