
What are the skill levels in the Army?

What are the skill levels in the Army?

Enlisted. Level. Army. Marine Corps.

  • Rank. Occupation. Skill Level. Rank.
  • Private (PV1) Skill level 10. Private (PVT)
  • Private (PV2) Skill level 10. Private First Class.
  • Private First Class. (PFC) Skill level 10.
  • Corporal (CPL) or. Specialist (SPC)
  • Sergeant (SGT) Skill level 20. Sergeant (Sgt)
  • Staff Sergeant. (SSG) Skill level 30.
  • What is skill level 10 in the Army?

    Skill Level 10 identifies entry-level positions requiring performance of tasks under direct supervision. Skill Level 20 identifies positions requiring performance of more difficult tasks under general supervision; and in some instances, involving supervision of soldiers in Skill Level 10.

    What is a topographic Analyst?

    Draws, scribes, digitizes, and scans cultural, topographic, hydrographic, and/or other features on overlay/scribing surfaces or in digital formats. Utilizes basic drafting techniques to tailor terrain products and revises planimetric and topographic maps.

    What is the Pathfinder ASI?

    Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) The ASI is the sixth and seventh characters of the MOSC. It identifies skills requiring formal school training or other criteria specified in DA Pam 611-21.

    What is skill level 3 army?

    Skill Level 3 positions require the performance of still more difficult tasks and involve first line supervision of soldiers in Skill Levels 1 and 2. This skill level is obtained upon getting promoted to Staff Sergeant.

    What skill level is a MSG?

    Positions in battalion level organizations will be in skill level 5 (graded MSG (E8)) unless an approved exception is specified in chapter 10 or 11.

    What is a 10 level task?

    To clarify what I’m talking about, it’s about referring to the 10-level task outlined in some TM or something. It’s supposed to be some basic Soldier task that anyone can do or refer to, and its main purpose is to free up the MOS-Q Soldier to do 20-level tasks, i.e. skills than can be learned only after AIT training.

    What is Army skill level 2?

    Skill Levels 2-4. Standards: Prepared the unit for movement using the necessary references (vehicle -10s) and equipment to deliver vehicles and equipment to arrive at the port of debarkation with no loss of vehicles or equipment (operational and ready for combat).

    What is skill level 3 Army?

    What do you need to know about MOS level 4?

    Skill Level 4 positions require detailed knowledge of all tasks associated with a given MOS, normally involving first-line supervision of soldiers in Skill Levels 1, 2, and 3, and managing duties. Skill level 4 is obtained when promoted to the rank of Sergeant First Class.

    How to identify your MOS in the Army?

    MOS Skill Levels. For an enlisted soldier in the Army, your military records will often identify your MOS using five characters. For example, a Private that just entered the Army as a 25B would be referenced as a 25B10. The first three characters identify the specific MOS (in this case, 25B is an Information Systems Specialist).

    Can a soldier be awarded an ASI in any MOS?

    Some ASI’s are awarded only to a soldier in a specified MOS. An example would be Court Reporter (ASI C5), which is issued only to soldiers in Legal Specialist ( MOS 27D ). Other ASI’s can be awarded to soldiers in any MOS.

    What are the skill levels in Army portal?

    The first three characters identify the specific MOS (in this case, 25B is an Information Systems Specialist). The fourth character signifies your skill level, which in this case is “1”.