
What can SSVF pay for?

What can SSVF pay for?

During the COVID-19 crisis, SSVF Grantees are allowed to pay rental assistance for a HUD-VASH unit that is awaiting a PHA inspection. Grantees are allowed to continue to pay rental assistance for that unit until the PHA funding begins.

What is the SSVF grant?

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program awards grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives who can provide supportive services to very low-income Veteran families living in or transitioning to permanent housing.

How many times can you use SSVF?

Because of the rule that all SSVF participants are reassessed every 90 days, should grantees only plan for services and financial assistance in 3 month increments, even though the participant may qualify and need rental assistance for the up to the maximum five months (within a 12 month time period)? A. Yes.

What is SSVF for Veterans?

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program was established in 2011 to rapidly re-house homeless Veteran families and prevent homelessness for those at imminent risk due to a housing crisis.

Will the VA pay my rent?

The Veterans Inc. If you meet the basic eligibility requirements, Veterans Inc. provides direct services and financial assistance to help search for housing, assist with initial rent costs, and pay for certain bills related to back rent or utilities. If you are a veteran in need of services, please call 800-482-2565.

How do I get a Vash voucher?

To apply for HUD-VASH, please contact your local VA Homeless Program. Veterans can contact the HUD-VASH program directly, or obtain a referral from a case manager in another VA program, from a community program, or other referral sources.

Does Va help with rent?

Who qualifies for Ssvf?

In order to be eligible for SSVF, a veteran is defined as “a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, regardless of length of service, and who was discharged or released there from, excluding any one who received a dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason of a General …

What is a trainees supervising practitioner ultimately responsible for?

The supervising practitioner or attending is ultimately responsible for the evaluation and management of the patient and for the supervision of all trainees assigned to work with him/her.

How do I get veteran housing?

5 Steps to Become a HUD-VASH Landlord

  1. Contact your local public housing authority to fill out the required paperwork, secure a spot on a list of approved HUD-VASH properties, and find out more about the HUD-VASH program.
  2. Schedule a HUD Housing Quality Standards inspection to make sure your property is up to code.

Can a veteran live on a military base?

Military retirees can apply for on-base housing, but restrictions apply. Most importantly, the base must have a surplus of housing beyond the needs of active duty personnel. As a veteran and retiree, you are now a civilian and will have to apply during the same process as other eligible tenants.

What is a VA hardship?

What is VA financial hardship? “Financial hardship” for purposes of requesting expediting of your VA disability claim means that you, the veteran, are unable to earn enough income to pay essential expenses such as housing payments or medical expenses relating to your disability.

What are supportive services for Veteran Families ( SSVF ) program?

Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program Overview The SSVF program was authorized by Public Law 110-387 and provides supportive services to very low-income Veteran families that are currently in or transitioning to permanent housing. SSVF is designed to rapidly re-house homeless Veteran families

Where can I find information about the SSVF program?

For further information about the SSVF Program please email [email protected] or call (toll-free) at 1-877-737–0111. If you are an SSVF Grantee, please view our Grantee Resources webpage for information pertaining to the development and implementation of your program.

When was the last update on the SSVF program?

The SSVF Program Office would like to thank SSVF Grantees for sharing developed Policies and Procedure for this critical time. Below you will find information on various strategies being employed at this time. Last updated September 18th, 2015.

What does the va do for veteran families?

Through a competitive application, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) makes grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives to provide eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other mainstream benefits that promote housing stability and community integration.