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What CSF studies should I order?

What CSF studies should I order?

Commonly performed tests on CSF include protein and glucose levels, cell counts and differential, microscopic examination, and culture. Additional tests such as opening pressure, supernatant color, latex agglutination, and polymerase chain reaction also may be performed.

How do I order a CSF tube?

The tubes used for CSF aspiration are generally pre-numbered 1 through 3 or 4, with tube 1 being the first tube filled.

  1. If possible, tube 1 should be reserved for non-routine studies.
  2. Tube 2 can be used for immunology and chemistry testing.
  3. Tube 3 can be used for microbiology testing.

What goes in each CSF tube?

#3 Chemical tests (glucose, lactate, LDH, protein, etc.) Ideally, CSF specimens should consist of these four (4) tubes each containing 2-3 ml of fluid. This will provide enough sample to perform multiple tests with adequate volume for repeat analysis and add-on tests.

What procedure is done in order to perform a CSF analysis?

During a spinal tap (lumbar puncture) procedure, you typically lie on your side with your knees drawn up to your chest. Then a needle is inserted into your spinal canal — in your lower back — to collect cerebrospinal fluid for testing.

Does high protein in CSF mean MS?

Cerebral Spinal Fluid Studies Oligoclonal Immunoglobulin Bands can be identified in the CSF of MS patients via electrophoresis. The overall protein level is also slightly elevated – up to 0.1 g/L. Protein level can be higher if the patient is going through a marked relapse (i.e.,. severe optic neuritis).

What does high protein in CSF indicate?

An abnormal protein level in the CSF suggests a problem in the central nervous system. Increased protein level may be a sign of a tumor, bleeding, nerve inflammation, or injury. A blockage in the flow of spinal fluid can cause the rapid buildup of protein in the lower spinal area.

How much CSF is in a tube?

Collect at least 10 drops of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in each of the 4 plastic tubes, starting with tube 1. If possible, the CSF that is in the manometer should be used for tube 1.

How many mL of CSF is being produced for every 6 hours?

CSF is constantly replenished. In a normal human adult, there is 125–150 mL of CSF at one time, which is replenished every 6 hours, so approximately 600–700 mL of CSF is produced daily. Leakage of CSF leak is a serious complication that can result traumatically, iatrogenically, or spontaneously.

What should not be found in CSF?

Normally, CSF does not contain any bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. If meningitis or encephalitis is suspected, select tests may be performed to detect and identify microbes.

What is considered high protein in CSF?

EVALUATION. Spinal fluid protein concentration is usually moderately elevated, with concentrations in the 150 to 300 mg/100 mL range.

What does high glucose in CSF indicate?

Glucose levels in CSF are compared with blood plasma levels of glucose. CSF protein concentration. Increases may mean brain or spinal cord disease. CSF leukocyte, or white blood cell, count. It’s usually high if you have an infection.

What is the normal range of CSF?

Normal Results CSF total protein: 15 to 60 mg/100 mL. Gamma globulin: 3% to 12% of the total protein. CSF glucose: 50 to 80 mg/100 mL (or greater than two thirds of blood sugar level) CSF cell count: 0 to 5 white blood cells (all mononuclear), and no red blood cells.

Why are there four tubes of CSF sample?

Tube 3 – Send to the microbiology and immunology laboratory Tube 4 – Hold for a repeat cell count with differential, if needed (or for other subsequent studies not initially ordered) Microbiology and immunology studies for tube 3 include the following:

Where can I get a CSF sample for analysis?

Obtain CSF for gram stain, cell count, protein, glucose and aerobic culture where able. Obtain kit 922257 (20G needle) or 922258 (22G needle) from Hospital Stores (356-1784). The kit should contain 4 pre-numbered tubes to be filled in chronological order. Avoid covering tube numbers with stickers to ensure appropriate routing of samples.

Where can I get a CSF laboratory order?

CSF Laboratory Orders Obtain CSF for gram stain, cell count, protein, glucose and aerobic culture where able. Obtain kit 922257 (20G needle) or 922258 (22G needle) from Hospital Stores (356-1784). The kit should contain 4 pre-numbered tubes to be filled in chronological order. Avoid covering tube numbers with stickers to ensure appropriate…

Which is the correct order of sample collection for CSF?

Orders #1 – Chemistry/Immunology: Protein (LAB118) and Glucose (LAB611) #2 – Microbiology: Aerobic culture with gram stain (LAB4801). Select “CSF lumbar puncture”, “CSF shunt”, or “CSF ventricular trap” as source to ensure appropriate culturing.