
What does OCP Morocco stand for?

What does OCP Morocco stand for?

Ecosystem Development The OCP Group (OCP S.A.) (formerly Office Chérifien des Phosphates) is a Moroccan state-owned phosphate rock miner, phosphoric acid manufacturer and phosphate fertilizer producer.

What does OCP represent in Moroccan GDP?

OCP is the responsible custodian of the world’s largest reserves of phosphate. We’re the leading producer and exporter of phosphate rock, and producer of fertilizer. We represent around five percent of the Moroccan GDP and are the country’s largest company.

What is OCP fertilizer?

OCP produces binary fertilizers Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP), and full phosphate blend Triple Super Phosphate (TSP). MAP, TSP and DAP fertilizers can all be used directly or in blended, customized solutions.

Where are the phosphate mines in Morocco?

Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco, just north along the coast, since 1975. If you include this disputed region, Morocco holds more than 72 percent of all phosphate-rock reserves in the world, according to the most recent United States Geological Survey study.

What is the full form of OCP?

Drug Interaction Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP)

Study Start Date : January 2010
Actual Primary Completion Date : June 2010
Actual Study Completion Date : June 2010

What is phosphate used for?

Phosphate rock is processed to produce phosphorous, which is one of the three main nutrients most commonly used in fertilizers (the other two are nitrogen and potassium). Phosphate can also be turned into phosphoric acid, which is used in everything from food and cosmetics to animal feed and electronics.

How much money does Morocco make from phosphate?

With 72% of global reserves, Morocco is the world’s largest phosphates exporter and last year its state-owned phosphates company OCP reported revenue of 56.1 billion dirhams.

How much does phosphate make in Morocco?

According to data from the Moroccan Foreign Exchange Office, in 2011 phosphate revenues in the country accounted for $4.2 billion in the national purse. In 2020, the figures increased to approximately $5.7 billion, which amounts to nearly a 27% increase in the country’s income through phosphate.

What is NPK fertilizer?

These three numbers form what is called the fertilizer’s N-P-K ratio — the proportion of three plant nutrients in order: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The product’s N-P-K numbers reflect each nutrient’s percentage by weight. Lush grasses flourish with high-nitrogen fertilizers.

How do you make DAP fertilizer?

The inputs required to produce one ton of DAP fertilizer are approximately 1.5 to 2 tons of phosphate rock, 0.4 tons of sulfur (S), to dissolve the rock, and 0.2 tons of ammonia. Changes in the supply or price of any of these inputs will impact DAP prices and availability.

Who buys phosphate from Morocco?

In 2019, Morocco was “the biggest exporter of monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate into the US, accounting for around 60% of US imports, followed by Russia with a share of approximately 25%”, according to Fitch Ratings.

Are there diamonds in Morocco?

Morocco, although it contains no oil in its bosom, is nonetheless rich in such minerals as tin, gold and diamonds which are available in large deposits present in this country. As for gold, the Sahara Desert is one of the regions of Morocco, which has a great mining potential for this metal.