
What does the stars and bars stand for?

What does the stars and bars stand for?

There were three bars on the flag, two red and one white, and thus the popular name “Stars and Bars.” First Flag of the Confederate States of America, March 4, 1861. The seven stars represent the seven original states: South Carolina; Mississippi; Florida; Alabama; Georgia; Louisiana and Texas.

What does the stars and bars on Confederate flag?

The stars represent the seven seceded states of the U.S. Deep South. As many as eight more stars were later added to represent states admitted to or claimed by the Confederacy. During the American Civil War (1861–65), the Confederate States of America began to use its first flag, the Stars and Bars, on March 5, 1861.

What is the history of the Stars and Bars flag?

A Confederate battle flag distinct from the flag of the Confederacy, the “Stars and Bars,” was created following the first major battle of the Civil War, at Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia, in July 1861, because in the heat of battle soldiers and commanders confused the Stars and Bars with the Union army’s “Stars and …

Why are there 13 stars on the American flag?

On April 4, 1818, a plan was passed by Congress at the suggestion of U.S. Naval Captain Samuel C. Reid in which the flag was changed to have 20 stars, with a new star to be added when each new state was admitted, but the number of stripes would be reduced to 13 so as to honor the original colonies.

What is the oldest flag still in use?

of Denmark
Which country has the oldest flag? The country with the oldest flag in the world is that of Denmark. The Danish flag, called the Danneborg, dates back to 13th century A.D. It is believed to have been in existence since June 15, 1219 though it was officially recognised as the national flag in 1625.

What is nCr formula?

How Do you Use NCR Formula in Probability? Combinations are a way to calculate the total number of outcomes of an event when the order of the outcomes does not matter. To calculate combinations we use the nCr formula: nCr = n! / r! * (n – r)!, where n = number of items, and r = number of items being chosen at a time.

Did the US ever have a 49 star flag?

Alaska became the first non-contiguous territory to become a state on Jan. 3, 1959, and the 49th star on the U.S. flag. Alaska, which was purchased from Russia in 1867, is 2.5 times the size of Texas, the second-largest U.S. state. The 49-star flag was the last of the nine flags to fly for just one year.

Why are there only 48 stars on the American flag?

To mark the additions of New Mexico and Arizona as states, the American flag grew to 48 stars on July 4, 1912. The design, which includes six horizontal rows of eight stars, was replaced on July 4, 1959, with the addition of Alaska’s star, and it is the second-longest used version of the flag in the nation’s history.

Which country has the only flag with more than four sides?

Flag of Nepal – Wikipedia.

Whats the oldest country?

San Marino

How many bars are there between a pair of stars?

This is indicated by placing k − 1 bars between the stars. Because no bin is allowed to be empty (all the variables are positive), there is at most one bar between any pair of stars. There are n − 1 gaps between stars.

How are stars and bars used in combinatorics?

In the “stars and bars” notation, the star tells you to put another star in the bin you’re up to, and the bar tells you to switch to a new bin. Now think about choosing n objects out of k when you can choose objects multiple times. Number your k objects from 1 to k and start out thinking about object 1.

Which is the correct equation for stars and bars?

n+k-1 n+k − 1 spaces for the stars, with all remaining positions taken as bars. The number of ways this can be done is ( n + k − 1 n). ). k-1 k −1 bars and take all remaining positions to be stars.

Who is the founder of stars and bars?

Stars and bars (combinatorics) In the context of combinatorial mathematics, stars and bars is a graphical aid for deriving certain combinatorial theorems. It was popularized by William Feller in his classic book on probability.