
What drugs can cause oculogyric crisis?

What drugs can cause oculogyric crisis?

Drugs that can trigger an oculogyric crisis include neuroleptics (such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, olanzapine), carbamazepine, chloroquine, cisplatin, diazoxide, levodopa, lithium, metoclopramide, lurasidone, domperidone, nifedipine, pemoline, phencyclidine (“PCP”), reserpine, and cetirizine, an …

What is an oculogyric crisis?

Oculogyric crisis (OGC) describes the clinical phenomenon of sustained dystonic, conjugate and typically upward deviation of the eyes lasting from seconds to hours. It was initially observed in patients with postencephalitic parkinsonism, but since then a number of conditions have been associated with OGC.

Is oculogyric crisis painful?

Oculogyric crises are defined as spasmodic movements of the eyeballs into a fixed position, usually upwards. These episodes generally last minutes, but can range from seconds to hours. At the same time there is often increased blinking of the eyes and these episodes are frequently accompanied by pain.

Which antipsychotic causes oculogyric crisis?

Risperidone or olanzapine (alone or in combination with a second antipsychotic) seemed causative in each case. Also implicated in the onset or recurrence of oculogyric episodes were ziprasidone, quetiapine, clozapine, aripiprazole, and the first-generation antipsychotic loxapine. Follow-up ranged between 2 and 7 years.

Can Abilify cause Oculogyric crisis?

The repeat challenge with aripiprazole 20 mg orally in two divided dosages resulted into oculogyric crisis within 4 days.

What is EPS side effect?

Extrapyramidal symptoms, also called drug-induced movement disorders, describe the side effects caused by certain antipsychotic and other drugs. These side effects include: involuntary or uncontrollable movements. tremors. muscle contractions.

Is Oculogyric crisis reversible?

The management is the same as for dystonias caused by antipsychotics, that is, anticholinergics and reassurance. Our case report highlights the fact that oculogyric crises caused by drugs may be reversible and prognosis may be good.

Is dystonia an emergency?

Dystonic storm is a frightening hyperkinetic movement disorder emergency. Marked, rapid exacerbation of dystonia requires prompt intervention and admission to the intensive care unit.

What is the medical term for eyes rolled back in head?

Your eyes can roll back into your head for several reasons. The most common causes include seizures, fainting spells, or an eye condition called nystagmus. Many times, your eyes rolling back and other accompanying symptoms is due to an underlying health condition.

Does oculogyric crisis go away?

Oculogyric crisis refers to spasms of extraocular muscles leading to tonic eye deviation (usually upward), with each spasm lasting from seconds to several hours; the entire episode may last up to several weeks or months (Poston and Frucht, 2008).

Can Abilify cause oculogyric crisis?

How do the eyes react during a crisis?

The eyes usually inadvertently move straight upwards or up and to the left or right, and the position can change from crisis to crisis. Oculogyric crises are often associated with thought or emotional disturbances, are preceded by a brief stare, and last for hours.