Users' questions

What ever happened to GeoCities?

What ever happened to GeoCities?

The web-hosting site GeoCities was a paragon of this early internet era, but in March 2019 (almost 25 years after its creation in 1994) it’ll cease to exist. Yahoo Japan announced that it would shut down on March 31, 2019. Yahoo bought GeoCities in 1999 for $3.6 billion.

Where can I find old GeoCities websites?

A volunteer Archive Team started capturing as many GeoCities pages as possible before Yahoo pulled the plug. They archived about 100,000 sites, and you can view most of them today on mirror sites, like

Was GeoCities social media?

In 1994, the first social networking site was created, Geocities. Geocities allowed the users to create and customize their own web sites, grouping them into different ‘cities’ based on the site’s content.

Is there a GeoCities archive?

Geocities was one of the first places your average person could make a website for free. The Geocities Gallery aims to archive these sites and return them to functionality, MIDIs and all. Geocities was a web hosting service launched in 1994.

What replaced GeoCities?

With the termination of GeoCities in the U.S., Yahoo! no longer offered free web page hosting, except in Japan, where the service continued for ten more years. Yahoo! encouraged users to upgrade their accounts to the fee-based Yahoo! Web Hosting service.

When did GeoCities go offline?

In June of 2009, Yahoo began letting people know that they would be closing Geocities for good. The site was taken offline on October 26, 2009.

What replaced Geocities?

Do Geocities websites still exist?

So, Geocities — the service that, back in 1994, set off the first phase of everyday folks putting crazy, fun stuff online — still exists as a hosting service. Better yet, it has also preserved an awful lot of those old Geocities sites, and has a rudimentary search engine to find them.

What is the biggest social media platform?

What is the most popular social media platform worldwide? Market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass one billion registered accounts and currently sits at more than 2.85 billion monthly active users.

Do GeoCities websites still exist?

When did Yahoo acquire GeoCities?

GeoCities, 1999: $3.7 Billion When Yahoo! bought GeoCities for $3.7 billion in 1999, CNN Money called it a move that would “solidify Yahoo!’s position as a front-runner in the online popularity contest.” History shows us otherwise. Back then, GeoCities was the third most visited “site” on the Web.

Do people still use Angelfire?

History. Angelfire was founded in 1996 and was originally a combination Web site building and medical transcription service. The classic Web Shell tool is still active but is only available to members with paid plans.