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What happens if 10th lord in 12th house?

What happens if 10th lord in 12th house?

Today, 10th house lord sitting in 12th house. 10th house represents things like Government, Father, Authority, Fame, Work Environment etc. One thing to always keep in mind with 12th house is that it basically remains the house of losses. So, whichever planet goes in 12th house, even exalted, is in the bucket of losses.

Who is the 10th Lord in astrology?

Saturn – Saturn also can be 10th house ruler through its two signs. In either sign (Capricorn/Aquarius) as 10th house lord, Saturn in 10th house (for Aries/Taurus Ascendants respectively) surely indicates person had a distant relation with father, for various reasons.

Which planet is best in 12th house?

Venus is exalted in the natural 12th sign of the zodiac, Pisces. So a well-placed Venus can grant that deepest relationship with the own internal self leading to self-realisation.

What is the 12th house responsible for?

The 12th House Rules Dreams and Rest Likewise, mystical phenomenon, intuitive insight and a considerable measure of spiritual activity are also ruled by this house; even though these aspects are for the most part things that are not controlled by the individual.

Who is seventh house lord?

Jupiter as the lord of the 7th house.

Who is 11th house lord?

Rahu – If Rahu is 11th house Lord through its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius along with Saturn, and sits in 11th house in Aquarius then 1st of all we need to make sure of Saturn’s position as it is the main ruler.

Who is 1st house lord?

Having the first house lord in the first house means its lord is sitting in its rightful place. Therefore, it means that the lord is providing strength to it. The person having the first house lord sitting in the first house will have great confidence and will take extra care of themselves.

Who is 9th house lord?

Saturn – Saturn also can be 9th house ruler through its two signs. In either sign (Capricorn/Aquarius) as 9th house lord, Saturn in 9th house (for Gemini/Taurus Ascendants respectively) surely indicates Higher Learning or Guru will come with delay in life.

What does 12th house indicate?

In the sky, the Twelfth House exists just beneath the horizon: It’s quite literally the darkness before dawn. Likewise, the Twelfth House is considered the “unseen realm,” and governs all things that exist without physical forms, like dreams, secrets, and emotions.

What if Guru is in 12th house?

Jupiter in the twelfth house represents travel to Isolated places, foreign lands, spirituality, guidance, debt, bankruptcy, expansion and enmity. The native will focus on spirituality which will be his source of wealth and assets, and he will guide others on the path of spiritual beliefs.

What does a strong 12th house indicate?

A strong 12th house and benefic powerful 12th ruler planet can indicate a strong personality who can leave his personal ego, personal desires and personal satisfaction and grow spiritually.

What if 7th house is empty?

Well, the truth is that whether it’s marriage, money, children or anything else, an empty house doesn’t mean that the life areas ruled by it are destined to be absent or diminished. For example, if Cancer is on your seventh house cusp, you don’t take such relationships lightly.