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What is a 1986 Honda ATC 250r worth?

What is a 1986 Honda ATC 250r worth?


Excellent $1,720
Very Good $1,010
Good $575
Fair $265
Poor N/A

How much is a 1984 Honda 250r worth?


Excellent $2,050
Very Good $1,200
Good $670
Fair $295
Poor N/A

How much is a Honda ATC 200 worth?


Excellent $1,725
Very Good $1,035
Good $610
Fair $265
Poor N/A

How fast does a ATC 250r go?

Featuring Pro-Link suspension, an Enduro-Harley Davidson front aesthetic, and a 70 mph top speed, the ATC250R was tough and fast.

How much is a 1985 250r ATC worth?


Suggested List Price Average Retail
Base Price $2,298 $625
Total Price $2,298 $625

How much is a 1982 Honda 250r worth?


Excellent $2,130
Very Good $1,340
Good $770
Fair $310
Poor N/A

How much is a 1985 Honda 250r worth?

How much is a 1984 Honda 200s worth?

What’s the fastest 3 wheeler?

The fastest speed in a streamlined three-wheeled electric motorcycle is 387.32 km/h (240.72 mph) and was achieved by Eva HÃ¥kansson (Sweden) riding the KillaJoule at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, USA, on 28 August 2014.

What is the fastest 3 wheeler?

The fastest 3-wheeler That distinction has to be the Tiger 500. So, you say you never heard of the Tiger 3-wheeler brand? Well, that’s understandable.

How much is a 1985 Honda three wheeler worth?


Suggested List Price Average Retail
Base Price $1,968 $625
Total Price $1,968 $625

How much does a Honda ATC cost?

The ATC 200X, however, sells for up to $3,899.