
What is a word for not vague?

What is a word for not vague?

Firmly, clearly, and precisely presented or articulated. definite. clear. definitive. exact.

What is the opposite stale?

Antonym of Stale Word. Antonym. Stale. Fresh. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

Whats does vague mean?

1a : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms vague accusations. b : not having a precise meaning a vague term of abuse. 2a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct only a vague notion of what’s needed also : slight a vague hint of a thickening waistline hasn’t the vaguest idea.

What is the opposite vague?

Opposite of visually indistinct or unclear. distinct. apparent. clear. obvious.

What is another word for not confusing?

Unconfused, un-kon-fūzd′, adj. not confused, free from confusion. But, in the reality of nature, very few objects are seen in this accurately lateral manner, or lighted by unconfused direct rays.

What is opposite of ambiguous?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms ambiguous. Antonyms: univocal, obvious, plain, clear, unambiguous, indisputable, necessary, unmistakable, unequivocal, lucid. Synonyms: equivocal, vague, doubtful, enigmatical, uncertain, obscure, unintelligible, perplexing, indistinct, dubious.

What is the opposite of being blunt?

Opposite of the characteristic of being blunt. dissembling. dissimulation. indirection. mendacity.

Does stale mean bad?

They all mean the same thing.

What is an example of vague?

The definition of vague is something unclear, hazy or uncertain. An example of vague would be directions to a house that don’t include street names.

What is a vague response?

adj. 1 (of statements, meaning, etc.) not explicit; imprecise. vague promises. 2 not clearly perceptible or discernible; indistinct.

Does vague mean unclear?

vague Add to list Share. When something is vague, it’s unclear, murky, and hard to understand. Vague comes from the Latin vagus, which means wandering or rambling. Think of a vagabond, someone who wanders around the world with only a vague idea of where he’s going.

Is non confusing a word?

Unconfused, un-kon-fūzd′, adj. not confused, free from confusion. But, in the reality of nature, very few objects are seen in this accurately lateral manner, or lighted by unconfused direct rays. He was willing, however, to refer the question unconfused by other issues to a second Joint Commission of six.

Which is the best definition of the word vaguely?

1. not clear, distinct or definite. Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship; She has only a vague idea of how this machine works. 2. (of people) imprecise, or impractical and forgetful. He is always very vague when making arrangements.

What is the difference between enigmatic and vague?

The words enigmatic and vague are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, enigmatic stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality. When might equivocal be a better fit than vague?

When can ambiguous be used to replace vague?

While all these words mean “not clearly understandable,” vague implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration. When could ambiguous be used to replace vague? Although the words ambiguous and vague have much in common, ambiguous applies to language capable of more than one interpretation.

When is cryptic a good substitute for vague?

Although the words ambiguous and vague have much in common, ambiguous applies to language capable of more than one interpretation. When would cryptic be a good substitute for vague? While in some cases nearly identical to vague, cryptic implies a purposely concealed meaning. Where would dark be a reasonable alternative to vague?