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What is in situ conservation of biodiversity?

What is in situ conservation of biodiversity?

What is In-situ Conservation? It is the methods of conserving all the living species, especially the wild and endangered species in their natural habitats and environment. In-situ conservation of Biodiversity includes biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.

What is in situ conservation Slideshare?

Conservation is an ethic of resource use, allocation, and protection. Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world, its fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity.

What is ex situ conservation PPT?

Definition: Ex-Situ means literally, “off-site conservation“ the process of protecting an endangered species of plant or animal outside of its natural habitat; for example, by removing part of the population from a threatened habitat and placing it in a new location, which may be a wild area or within the care of …

What is in situ conservation of biodiversity give examples?

In situ conservation is the conservation of living resources by maintaining them in their natural ecosystem in which they occur. Examples; national parks, sanctuaries, natural reserves, reserves of the biosphere, sacred grooves, etc.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of in situ conservation?

It is often both the species and their habitat that are conserved. Larger populations can be protected. It is less disruptive than removing organisms from their habitats. The chances of the population recovering are greater than ex situ methods.

What is the purpose of in situ conservation?

In-situ conservation aims to enable biodiversity to maintain itself within the context of the ecosystem in which it is found. In-situ management approaches can either be targeted at populations of selected species (species-centred) or whole ecosystems (ecosystem-based).

What are the advantages of in situ conservation?

It conserves the species and its habitat A major advantage of in-situ conservation is that it conserves the entire ecosystem and not just a particular species. As a result, conservationists find it to be more effective. Not only do you help the species thrive, but you also support the habitat in which they thrive.

What are the methods of in situ conservation?

The three main in situ techniques may be broadly defined as genetic reserve, on-farm, and home garden conservation. Genetic reserve conservation of wild species involves the location, designation, management, and monitoring of genetic diversity in a particular, natural location.

What are the methods of ex situ conservation?

Ex situ conservation is the technique of conservation of all levels of biological diversity outside their natural habitats through different techniques like zoo, captive breeding, aquarium, botanical garden, and gene bank.

Which is in situ conservation?

On-site conservation is called as in-situ conservation, which means conservation of genetic resources in the form of natural populations by establishing biosphere reserves such as national parks and sanctuaries. Practices like horticulture and floriculture also preserve plants in a natural habitat.

What are the disadvantages of in situ?


  • Endangered habitats may be fragmented so the area may not be large enough to ensure the survival of these species.
  • Genetic diversity may have already been dramatically decreased.
  • Conditions that threatened the organisms in the area may still be present, e.g. disease or interspecific competition.

What are the limitations of in situ conservation?

The disadvantages of in situ conservation are brought about by a lack of complete control over the many factors which influence the survival of individuals and therefore the genetic makeup of the conserved population.