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What is independent learning activity?

What is independent learning activity?

One broad definition of independent learning or autonomy in learning is: “The ability to take charge of one’s learning.” Holec (1981:3) Being able to make informed choices and taking responsibility for your own learning activities are two facets of learning independently.

What are some independent learning strategies?

Ways To Help Students Become More Independent Learners

  • Withhold the answer.
  • Assign groups strategically.
  • Teach attention-to-detail as a skill.
  • Emphasize literacy as a foundation of learning.
  • Improve collaboration skills and resourcefulness.
  • Learn through Maker ‘tinkering’ and ‘play’
  • Encourage a growth mindset.

What are independent studies examples?

What Is an Independent Study? Usually, students look to independent study when they have an interest in a special topic that’s not offered at most high schools. Some examples of special topics would be courses like Asian-American history, British Literature, or Chinese language.

What are examples of learning activities?

15 active learning activities to energize your next college class

  • Think-pair-repair. In this twist on think-pair-share, pose an open-ended question to your class and ask students to come up with their best answer.
  • Improv games.
  • Brainwriting.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Concept mapping.
  • The one-minute paper.
  • Real-time reactions.
  • Chain notes.

What is best about independent learning?

In the report, What is Independent Learning and What are the Benefits for Students? (2008), it was found that the benefits of independent learning for students include: Improved academic performance. Increased motivation and confidence. Increased chances to be creative and intellectually creative.

What are the disadvantages of independent learning?

Disadvantages of Self Learning

  • No self-discipline.
  • No face-to-face interaction.
  • Lack of flexibility.
  • Lack of input from trainers.
  • Slow evolution.
  • Good e-learning is difficult to do.
  • Lack of transformational power.
  • No peripheral benefits.

How can we promote independent learning at home?

Here are some strategies you can try at home.

  1. Challenge your child to question things. Help your child build the confidence to think critically.
  2. Tell stories. After school, ask your child how the school day went.
  3. Help your child manage time. Kids don’t like to be micromanaged by their parents.
  4. Talk about current events.

What are good topics for independent study?

Independent Study Ideas

  • English. Continue work on a research paper you have started on a topic of interest, write a play, novel, or series of short stories, create a children’s book (complete with illustrations for those who are artistically inclined).
  • History/Social Studies.
  • Science.
  • Art.
  • Technology.
  • Business.

What are examples of activities?

The definition of activity is something that you do or something that is going on. Going to the movies is an example of an activity. A parade is an example of activity. A room where a lot of people are moving about is an example of a room alive with activity.

What are learning activities?

Learning activities, as the name suggests, are activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create the conditions for learning. Some learning activities stimulate experiential learning, others mobilise conceptual thinking, while still others prompt students to engage in analytical discussion.

What are the disadvantages of independent reading?


  • Not possible to ask questions of instructor or to learn from questions asked by others learning the same topic.
  • Density of presentation may be high because content must be self-contained.
  • Individuals must be motivated enough to complete tutorial.

What are the disadvantages of being independent?

The Downside of Being Independent

  • People around you get the feeling that you don’t need anyone.
  • You end up feeling depressed because no one gives you the support you need.
  • You find it hard to ask someone for help.
  • Find it hard to be in a relationship.
  • You assume that most people are like you.